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Biden Regime worked to DIVIDE THE NATION even more when he declared Easter Sunday as "Transgender Day of Visibility"
By sdwells // 2024-04-09
Biden's declaration of Easter Sunday being "Transgender Day of Visibility" is part of the massive scheme to divide the nation, continually pitting one group against another. Hitler did the same thing with the Jews and the German people. This does NOT help the transgender community rise to an equal status, but instead denigrates them and increases discrimination. The Biden Regime's strategy is to divide the nation into identity groups, thus keeping the populace fighting among themselves and NOT against the government. This is the block and tackle strategy for installing communism here in the Republic. Everyone knows the saying, "If you don't study history, you are doomed to repeat it." Well, remember history now, because dividing the nation into groups by IDENTITY is the #2 reason for civil war throughout history. Be sure to watch the movie "Civil War" that releases this April 12th.

Resident Biden, who claims to be Catholic, could have easily declared Monday as Transvestite Day, instead of subverting Easter Sunday, the holiest Catholic day of the year

Easter Sunday, which immediately follows Holy Week, celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many Americans, especially conservatives and religious folks, are perplexed as to WHY Joe "Girl-Sniffing" Biden would choose the holiest day of the year for Christians to declare it the holy day for homosexuals, a lifestyle the churches most often oppose and that is referred to as sinning in the Bible, this according to the Old Testament and the New Testament. That's not all. Biden, who claims to be Catholic, has also banned religious artwork from being on display during the White House Easter egg competition. So why is everything Biden supports always evil? Well, he's a child predator himself, so that would explain things. After nearly every press conference or social engagement, Biden immediately searches for young girls, beelines his way over to them, whispers in their ears, asks them how old they are, fondles their hair and body, tells them to wait until they're adults to date, and then relentlessly tries to sniff their hair, while they often pull away in horror. It's obvious that the Left does everything to destroy anything symbolizing religion. Maybe this Easter Sunday was declared tranny day for Barrack Obama and his husband, so they would feel "normal," since they are the ones really running the Oval Office decision making these past three years and counting. Biden is quite proud to have signed Executive Orders that weaken the nuclear family model of America and further divide the country into groups that are supposed to fight and hate each other, according to all social media and new curriculum in schools. This is just another step towards cementing communism in America, ensuring that people lose their religion and become agnostics and atheists, or even more radical, Satanists. Communism doesn't work when the masses believe in family, God, values, ethics and individual personality. This new twisted celebration of Easter Sunday helps to denigrate one of the most religious Christian holidays of the year, and further weave sex-thinking into the minds of all Americans. This is highly evident as the Biden Regime pushes to keep pornographic books in the hands of children, and make gender-mutilation surgery and cancer-inducing hormone drugs available to all kids and teenagers. Here's the twisted declaration word for word from the Child-Predator-in-Chief: “NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.” He should have just screamed, "Groomers Unite in the Name of Lucifer!" or "Easter Sunday is now After School Satan Club Member Appreciation Day!" Tune your internet dial to for updates on extreme liberals and perverted world leaders with hidden agendas trying to turn a whole nation into sex-crazed freaks that worship Satan. Sources for this article include: