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Government comes up with another new excuse for the genocide they've unleashed upon the planet: 'accelerated aging' among the young is causing all of these 'turbo cancers'
By newseditors // 2024-04-12
The latest mind-boggling story over at the NY Post on Tuesday proving just how full of 's' our 'globalist overlords' and the mainstream media are in 2024 is titled "Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ according to ‘highly troubling’ new study." (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from Reporting that new research presented this week at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in San Diego, California has found that 'the young' are now aging much more rapidly than they have in the past and thus, they are being struck much more frequently with problems that had normally been mainly associated with 'the elderly,' take note that once again, these globalist scum are trying to come up with an excuse for the genocide they're carrying out that should, in any kind of 'just' society, leave them all executed and buried 6' under for their crimes upon humanity. Reporting that 'accelerated aging,' when someone’s biological age is greater than their chronological age, is increasing the risk of deadly cancer tumors in 'the young,' we warned just days ago in this story on ANP that so-called 'turbo cancers' were exploding among younger generations, with Dr. William Makis MD warning us he had never seen anything like this before. And while the globalists continue to come up with one excuse after another for this 'explosion', such as 'global warming' or 'bacteria in the gut linked to processed foods,' Dr. Makis ties the huge spike in these cases of rapidly spreading cancers in the young directly to the 'COVID vax.' And while that NY Post story NEVER even mentions 'the vax' as being a potential cause of these exploding cases of 'turbo cancers' in the young, nor do they ever mention 'the vax' as being a potential cause of the 'accelerated aging' allegedly going on in 'the young,' the top-voted comments on this Newsbreak story reporting on this very same topic held nothing back, with the top-voted comment being "These people are sheer liars, we’ve had a mass vaccination campaign with the mRNA vaccine. The Florida surgeon general has warned about this situation. But everyone says he was a quack, now we see the numbers increase" while another commenter sarcastically chimed in: "Has nothing to do with the forced covid vaccine, nope nothing at all folks. Trust me, I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Yeah, right, the only 'help' we're getting from those from 'the government' are those 'free' one way tickets to genocide they've been handing out to 'thin the herd'. So, does anyone reading this story think that 'accelerated aging' is the cause of this explosion in cancers? And if 'accelerated aging' IS the cause, was THAT cause by 'the vax,' too? From the NY Post story.: "Historically, both cancer and aging have been viewed primarily as concerns for older populations," Ruiyi Tian, MPH, a graduate student at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and one of the study researchers, told Fox News Digital.  "The realization that cancer, and now aging, are becoming significant issues for younger demographics over the past decades was unexpected."  In the study, diagnoses in patients younger than 55 years old were considered early-onset cancers.  The researchers analyzed data from 148,724 people using the UK Biobank database.  They estimated each person’s biological age using nine biomarkers in the blood — then compared that to their chronological age.  Those with a higher biological age had a 42% increased risk of early-onset lung cancer, were 22% more prone to early-onset gastrointestinal cancer, and had a 36% higher risk for early-onset uterine cancer.  The researchers also determined that people born after 1965 were 17% more likely to experience accelerated aging than those born in earlier decades. As one of the top-voted comments on the NY Post story pointed out: Can't believe this. It's not like there was a mandatory untested vaccine put out to the masses within the past 5 years. And never in their story did they mention all of the research being done by people like Dr. William Makis MD who has bluntly warned this huge spike in cancer cases ONLY BEGAN after the government's of the planet joined forces to force their people to take 'the vaxxes' they concocted in what was now proven to be a military operation. And as we all know, the 'job' of the military IS NOT to save lives but 'take lives'. Really think they'd concoct these jabs to extend human lives when the global eugenicists all believe the world is vastly overpopulated, thus, they must somehow 'thin out the herd'? And more and more evidence shows they appear to be 'targeting' the youngest and most innocent members of society for 'extermination'. From this new Dr. William Makis MD story we get the truth we'll never get from the government's of the world nor from the mainstream media.: Children continue to be killed by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.  A new paper from Brazil documents the youngest Pfizer mRNA Vaccine myocarditis death yet, a 7 year old boy.  I have written a letter to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, urging her to immediately halt COVID-19 Vaccines in children of all ages. Read more at: