The great climate deception: How the environmental movement was hijacked by elites
- The modern climate change narrative originated with the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. Despite the IPCC's influence on global climate policy, nearly 2,000 scientists and professionals have signed a declaration stating there is no climate emergency.
- Critics argue that the climate has always been changing due to natural cycles, citing the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850 as an example. They point out that there is no statistical evidence linking global warming to intensifying natural disasters and that the IPCC's models have significantly over-predicted warming.
- Policies like the UN's Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, are seen as potentially harmful to the global economy, particularly for developing nations. The push for a "green economy" is viewed as a means for central banks and mega-corporations to consolidate wealth and power.
- The environmental movement, once focused on genuine issues like pollution and deforestation, is portrayed as having been co-opted by powerful elites. Whistleblowers and critics argue that figures with vested interests have used environmentalism as a cover to control the Earth's resources and redistribute global wealth, undermining the original goals of the movement.
For decades, the world has been told that human activity, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, is driving catastrophic climate change. The United Nations has sounded the alarm, warning of impending doom unless drastic measures are taken to reduce CO2 levels.
But what if the narrative we’ve been fed is not only exaggerated but fundamentally flawed? What if the real environmental movement has been hijacked by powerful interests with ulterior motives? According to a growing chorus of scientists and experts, this is precisely what has happened.
According to Mark Keenan, a former scientist, there is ample evidence and testimony from renowned scientists that there is no ‘CO
2-induced’ Climate emergency and he shares some of it in his new book, titled “
Climate CO2 Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Environment Movement.”
The origins of the climate panic
The modern climate change narrative can be traced back to the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The IPCC was tasked with providing scientific advice on climate change and formulating response strategies. Its first assessment report became the foundation for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which has since shaped global climate policy.
However, not everyone agrees with the IPCC’s conclusions. In fact, nearly 2,000 scientists and professionals from over 30 countries have signed a declaration stating that there is no climate emergency and that the UN’s claims about man-made climate change are unfounded. Among these signatories is Marc Morano, a former scientist at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change and a former staff member at United Nations Environment. Morano argues that
while real pollution exists, CO2 is not the problem. Instead, he points to industrial globalization, which has introduced thousands of new chemical compounds, toxins and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the environment.
The flawed science behind the hysteria
One of the key arguments against the mainstream climate narrative is that the climate has always been changing. The geological record shows that Earth has experienced natural cycles of warming and cooling for millions of years. The Little Ice Age, for example, ended as recently as 1850, and the current warming period is part of a natural cycle. According to the Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) foundation, there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, or droughts. In fact, the world has warmed significantly less than predicted by the IPCC’s models.
Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, a former chairman of the UN IPCC’s sea level committee, has been particularly vocal in his criticism. “Solar activity is the dominant factor in climate, not CO2,” he stated. “Something is basically sick in the
blame-CO2 hypothesis. It was launched more than 100 years ago, and almost immediately, excellent physicists demonstrated that the hypothesis did not work.”
Dr. Mototaka Nakamura, a climate scientist with a doctorate from MIT, has also criticized the data underpinning global warming science. “Our models are mickey-mouse mockeries of the real world,” he said. “Global mean temperatures before 1980 are based on untrustworthy data.”
The hidden agenda: Control and profit
if the science is flawed, why has the climate change narrative gained such traction? According to Morano and other critics, the answer lies in the financial and political interests behind the movement. The UN’s Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 7% annually until 2030. While this may sound noble, the reality is that such policies would cripple the global economy, particularly in developing nations that rely heavily on fossil fuels.
The financialization of the
global economy is now based on a “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions strategy. Central banks and mega-corporations are driving this agenda, with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) creating the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2015. This task force represents $118 trillion in assets and includes key players like JP Morgan Chase, BlackRock and HSBC. The push for a “green economy” is less about saving the planet and more about consolidating wealth and power.
Dr. Otmar Edenhofer, former co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III, admitted as much in a 2010 interview. “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” he said. “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.”
The hijacking of the environmental movement
environmental movement, once focused on real issues like pollution and deforestation, has been hijacked by powerful elites. Whistleblower George Hunt, who served as an official host at a key environmental meeting in 1987, revealed that figures like David Rockefeller and Baron Edmund de Rothschild were present. According to Hunt, the 1992 UN Earth Summit was less about environmental protection and more about consolidating control over the Earth’s resources.
“The same world order that tricked third-world countries to borrow funds and rack up enormous debts… and purposely creating war and debt to bring societies into their control,” Hunt said. “The world order crowd are not a nice group of people.”
A call for real environmentalism
climate change narrative, as promoted by the UN and its allies, is not based on sound science but on flawed models and ulterior motives. The real environmental movement, which once sought to protect the planet from genuine threats, has been subverted by powerful interests seeking to control the global economy. It’s time to reject the
climate hysteria and focus on real solutions to real problems. As Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, aptly put it, “The whole climate crisis is not only fake news, it’s fake science.”
The truth is out there, but it’s up to us to seek it out and demand accountability from those who have hijacked the environmental movement for their own gain.
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