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INVOLUNTARY VACCINE EUTHANASIA: Next phase of depopulation involves much scarier “virus” where many more humans unknowingly kill themselves by mRNA injections
By sdwells // 2025-01-11
  • Vectors of Depopulation: The primary vectors include vaccines, prescription medications, adulterated food, street drugs, war, and famine. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highlighted as a significant contributor to depopulation.
  • Impact of mRNA Vaccines: The mRNA vaccines are described as a major cause of death and infertility, with the spike proteins causing clots, organ damage, miscarriages, and other health issues.
  • Avoiding Depopulation: Natural health practices, such as clean eating, filtered water, and avoiding street drugs, can prevent early death. Additionally, avoiding participation in unnecessary wars and medical procedures can help avoid premature mortality.
  • Government and Corporate Control: The medical and news industries are accused of manipulating the public into accepting harmful practices, leading to what is described as involuntary euthanasia through the consumption of toxic products and services. Filtering out these harmful elements is proposed as a solution to avoid the consequences.
There are several vectors of depopulation in play right now in this world, and anyone who can’t see it happening and denies it is naïve or basically a “conspiracy theorist.” This includes several billion people who have no idea that their own government, medical system, food and water supply is tainted with chemicals and contaminants that not only make them sick but keep them from reproducing while killing them off. The main vector of depopulation right now is the mRNA Covid “vaccines,” and they will continue to be the prime genocide vector for some time, since each person who was injected with the gene mutation “therapy” still has warped cells creating millions of spike prions that merge together using nano-technology, then clog and clot their vascular system, invade vital organs, stress and strain the heart, cause spontaneous miscarriages, and kill off the injected victims in those “all cause mortality” ways.

The main vectors of depopulation are vaccines, prescription medications, adulterated food, street drugs, war and famine

Vaccines are the number one form of extinctionism, especially with the advent of the mRNA gene mutation injections. Now, pregnant women can almost count on their baby dying before it even exits the womb due to spike proteins entering the uterus and placenta, and the mother’s immune system attacking those foreign particles as pathogenic invaders attacking the baby. Plus, the clot shots cause infertility in women and men, as proven by clinical trials that have been exposed as of late. Here's the rub. Natural health advocates know that if you eat clean, drink filtered or spring water, use natural medicine for healing and immune-boosting functionality, then you are very unlikely to get sick or die from infectious diseases, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, or parasites. Then, if you avoid fighting in wars that the politicians wage to make themselves money at the cost of human life, you won’t die there. Also, by eating clean, you won’t need to go to doctors and hospitals regularly to get toxic medications, vaccinations, and unnecessary surgeries that often lead to an early grave. Lastly, if you don’t try or get hooked on deadly street drugs, like cocaine, heroin, meth, crack, or fentanyl, then you are highly unlikely to die from an overdose or vital organ failure from those. This is how you avoid INVOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA. However, most humans on earth have been scared to death (pun intended) by the medical industrial complex, working in tandem with the fake news complex, and so they are convinced that if they don’t get a boatload of vaccines, take prescription meds every time they get a symptom of sickness, and get organs removed with surgeries every time their doctor “recommends” it, they think they’ll die sooner than later, and so they do. Billions of humans are conned into vectors of depopulation that the governments have set up to profit off their gullible ignorance. These sheeple are essentially walking themselves right into the “gas chambers” of early death by involuntary euthanasia via deadly vaccines, venom-peptide-laced pharmaceuticals, and processed food that feeds the whole vicious cycle. Fluoridated water and adulterated personal care products is a whole other article itself. Then there are home cleaning products that are chemical-laden and toxic, plus candles, perfumes, colognes, and air fresheners. It all adds to the chaos and fuels the depopulation schemes. Learn how to filter it all or suffer the consequences. Watch Mike Adams and Alex Jones cover the big picture of depopulation agendas via human replacement and learn some survival strategies too. #DepopulationVectors Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about the surviving and thriving while the Democrats and globalists try to inoculate everyone to death. Sources for this article include: