CONSERVATIVES SOUND THE ALARM: Big Pharma and the Left trying to force $32 billion money grab from America's seniors into year-end spending deal
Lawmakers Must Reject Big Pharma’s “Delinking” Scheme Designed to Boost Profits at the Expense of Seniors, Taxpayers and Employers
The Left is carrying Big Pharma’s water this lame duck by trying to cram in a disastrous money grab from America’s seniors that would boost drug company profits, and sever market-based incentives in the prescription drug marketplace.
(Article republished from
Conservatives from across the nation have rightly sounded the alarm:

See what more conservatives had to say about the Big Pharma “delinking” scheme
If implemented, this big government “delinking” mandate would directly intervene in the market to tip the scales in favor of Big Pharma, boosting their profits, and helping politicians on the Left move the country further to a fully government-controlled socialist health care system.
Casey Mulligan, Ph.D., former chief economist for the Council of Economic Advisers in the Trump Administration,
concluded this policy would result in health care premium hikes of $13 billion for seniors. He also found federal spending would skyrocket by $10 billion every year.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma would get a
$10 billion bailout in the form of higher profits each year.
Republicans MUST oppose this massive money grab from America’s seniors and taxpayers and REJECT the Big Government-Big Pharma “delinking” scheme.
Learn how pharma originated the idea of “delinking”
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