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Mike Adams Sermon 64: God's FINAL JUDGMENT, the godly rewarded and the wicked punished
By kevinhughes // 2024-12-13
  • Mike Adams, in his 64th sermon for the Church of Natural Abundance, discussed God's final judgment and rewards based on Revelation 21 to 22.
  • Adams analyzed the catastrophic events post-tribulation, including the obliteration of cities, kingdoms and evil by comets acting as "guided missiles," leading to a "divine reset" of the planet.
  • In the New Earth, resurrection and judgment will occur, with only those recorded in the Book of Life being resurrected. Judgment is not arbitrary, but based on actions done during life.
  • The New Earth is described in Revelation as an eternal, painless realm illuminated by God's glory, adorned with precious stones and a descending city called New Jerusalem, symbolizing divine presence.
  • Adams emphasized that God's love is conditional, contingent on one's actions. Wicked individuals will face eternal separation in the lake of fire, while those faithful to God's commandments will be rewarded in the eternal kingdom. This message underscores the importance of aligning one's life with God's standards now.
In the 64th sermon for the Church of Natural Abundance, the Health Ranger Mike Adams talked about God's final judgment and what happens to godly and wicked people. Adams delivered an in-depth analysis of the 21st and 22nd chapters of the Book of Revelation, which served as the basis for this sermon. The Health Ranger's analysis provides insight into the catastrophic events following the tribulation period and the subsequent resurrection and judgment of souls. The Bible nutrition educator also delved into the concept of a divine reset of the planet, a cosmic punishment and the rewards of a life dedicated to God. Citing Revelation 21, Adams said the world as people know it will be no more. The "first heaven and the first earth" will have passed away, obliterated by the catastrophic impact of comets that serve as God's "guided missiles" to cleanse the Earth of evil. This cosmic event will result in the eradication of cities, kingdoms and even the devil himself.

Only the worthy will survive

The aftermath of this cataclysmic event sets the stage for a New Heaven and a New Earth, where only those deemed worthy by God will survive. These individuals, recorded in the Book of Life, are resurrected by God and judged according to their deeds. Adams emphasized that this judgment is not arbitrary but based on actions taken during life. In the vision presented by John, the New Earth is described in vivid detail. It is a place devoid of the natural elements people are familiar with, including the sun and the moon. Instead, it is illuminated by the glory of God and adorned with sparkling jewels and crystals. The city of New Jerusalem descends from heaven, not a physical structure but a manifestation of God's presence among the elect. This holy city is described as having twelve gates, each guarded by an angel, and the foundations are adorned with precious stones. The city is described as a cube, a sacred geometrical form, signifying its divine and transcendent nature. It is a place without pain, death or sorrow, where the inhabitants will dwell with God eternally. The imagery evokes a place of perfect serenity and eternal life, free from the trials and tribulations of our earthly existence. While some may argue that God's love is unconditional, Adams contends that this is not the case: "God's love is conditional. You earn God's love. You earn it through your actions. And if you don't earn it, you burn forever in the lake of fire and brimstone. There are no do overs, there's no second chances." (Related: Mike Adams Sermon 89: GOD’S JUDGMENT upon the WICKED.) The criteria for entry into the New Earth are outlined clearly in Revelation. Those who overcome, who are faithful, and who serve God are rewarded with a place in the eternal kingdom. In contrast, the wicked – such as murderers, sorcerers and liars – are condemned to eternal separation from God. Adams stressed that the time for repentance and alignment with God is now. The judgment is coming, but it is not the responsibility of individuals to determine who is worthy or unworthy. He also reinforced the idea that the world people live in is a test, a simulation designed to determine the worthiness of souls. It is a place of challenges and temptations, but also of opportunities to grow and align with God. Those who resist the forces of evil and remain faithful to God will be rewarded with a place in the New Earth, while those who fail the test will face eternal separation. Follow for more news about God's coming judgment. Listen to the 64th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams for the Church of Natural Abundance about God's final judgment.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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