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Mike Adams Sermon 37: Christ's teachings in the Bible are REVOLUTIONARY
By kevinhughes // 2024-11-18
According to Bible nutrition educator Mike Adams, Christ's teachings as recorded in the Holy Bible are revolutionary. He touched on this in his 37th sermon, part of his 100 Sermons series for the Church of Natural Abundance. God sent His Son Jesus as an emissary to teach humanity the principles of love, forgiveness, humility and kindness. More importantly, however, Jesus was a revolutionary and radical who didn't believe in blind obedience to a corrupt church and a corrupt government. This, Adams noted, is part of the reason why the Jewish leaders had Christ killed by nailing Him to the cross. (Related: Sermon 88: Jewish leaders CENSORED the early Christians for speaking the truth about Jesus.) "The Scripture is the most revolutionary word – especially the New Testament, the most revolutionary document ever written. Christ freed humanity and red-pilled humanity," he said. "Christ fought against corruption in the church and corruption in government. He worked to teach people how to live in a decentralized manner, [and] to have their own direct relationship with God and His teachings. Christ did not believe in silly rituals." Jesus knew His death was coming, something He predicted and publicly spoke about during His public ministry. But following His death and resurrection, Jesus gave some of that power from His Father to His disciples. The disciples then went around teaching the Word of Christ alongside a message of love and acceptance, in compliance with the Great Commission. The Great Commission is an event after the resurrection of Jesus wherein He gave instructions and reassurance to His disciples.

Christ taught God's message of love and blessings to ALL human beings

According to Adams, Jesus taught that the Gentiles are welcome to join Christianity – something very different from the teachings prevalent at the time. He taught this message of love and blessings from God to all human beings, which applies to everyone no matter their background. The Messiah was not afraid to teach those who follow other religious beliefs, or even those who were not believers at all. Christ ultimately told His disciples in the Great Commission to go out and teach, convert, welcome or embrace all the people on Earth. "It wasn't just one special group of people. It applied to everyone around the world," Adams explained. "Now, some people today still have not received this message." "Some certain leaders of certain countries still have not received this message even though it's 2,000 years old. But Christ taught this message of embracing and loving and also being open to people from other religions and other ethnicities to invite them to listen and to learn." The Health Ranger continued that the Great Commission was about expanding the teachings of Christ and the church to everyone. It also sought to let people know that God loves everyone across the planet because they are all His children. "Christ taught peace and He taught coexistence – not war, conquering, violence and mass death. Christ taught love because love is the vibration of the cosmos. Love is the vibration of creation, whereas death is the vibration of demonism." Adams pointed out that humanity is still in an epic battle between Christ and Satan or God's energy of love, light and creation against the satanic energies of death, violence and destruction. If people want to live in a world of peace, love and health, they must embrace the teachings of Christ, the Word of God and the blessings of God. Follow for more news about the spiritual teachings of Christ. Listen to the 37th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams for the Church of Natural Abundance as to why Jesus' teachings are revolutionary.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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