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Israeli government outrageously claims casualty numbers in Gaza are "faked," IDF sets "new gold standard" in avoiding civilian casualties
By ethanh // 2024-05-20
The government of Israel is patting itself on the back for supposedly setting the "new gold standard" for minimizing civilian casualties in a war. Much like how Donald Trump is always congratulating himself for his accomplishments, Israeli leaders are quite proud of what they are claiming is the lowest civilian casualty ratio in history – "if you want to know the truth," as Trump would say. West Jerusalem released new estimates claiming that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have actually killed very few Palestinian civilians. Anyone who suggests otherwise is spreading "fake" numbers, Israel insists. Avi Hyman, Israel's government spokesman, revealed in an online video that more than 14,000 "terrorists" have been killed in Gaza since October 7, along with around 16,000 civilians. Palestinian authorities, conversely, say the true death count is more like 35,000, most of them women and children. Reacting to all the public outrage against Israel's war, Hyman scolded the media, as well as the United Nations (UN), for reporting things that make Israel look bad, calling all of it "fake and fabricated." "We would expect everyone to now take these figures as a genuine estimate from a free democratic country that fights in strict accordance with the laws of armed conflict in one of the most challenging urban warfare scenarios in history," Hyman said smugly, suggesting that everyone in Palestine along with those who support the Palestinian people must be lying because Israel is the best and most trustworthy, in his apparent opinion. (Related: Republican politicians want to weaponize the IRS against anyone who speaks out in defense of the Palestinians in Gaza.)

Israel's pride will be its downfall

Hyman claims that Israel treats every civilian death as a tragedy while proceeding to blame Hamas for all of the people who have died at the hands of IDF, playing the infamous "human shields" card to try to buy back some public credibility for Israel. Since the "babies baked in ovens" and "mass rapes" myths have been fully debunked, Hyman is attempting to use the even older excuse of "human shields" to try to cover Israel for all of the civilians being killed by IDF. "In reality, Israel is setting the new gold standard for urban warfare with what appears to be the lowest civilian-to-combatant casualty ratio in history," were Hyman's exact words in the video. Hyman was reacting to having been previously grilled by podcast host Piers Morgan who flat-out said to Hyman that he and other Israeli leaders have "no idea how many civilians you've killed." The UN actually cut the official death toll estimate from 35,000 to 25,000 after it discovered that this is the actual number of deaths for which Gaza officials have complete details. Details about the remaining 10,000 are still being compiled because, after all, the people of Gaza continue to die at an alarming number every single day and it is difficult to keep up sometimes. Those same 10,000 are estimated to be "missing or under the rubble," meaning it could be a long while before their remains are discovered and added to the official count. Keep in mind that the UN has not in any way suggested that the Hamas number of 35,000 is inflated, saying that there is "nothing wrong" with that figure. The UN simply uses a different metric for its official count and eventually those 10,000 will be added back once more confirmations come. "The casualty breakdown provided by Gaza authorities was about 40% men, 20% women, 32% children, and 8% elderly," reported RT about the matter. "Even by the Israeli estimate, over 53% of the deceased in Gaza were civilians." The latest news about Israel's war in Gaza can be found at Sources for this article include: