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Russia flaunts Western military equipment CAPTURED from Ukraine ahead of Victory Day parade
By ramontomeydw // 2024-05-03
Russia has displayed in an outdoor exhibit the Western military equipment it captured on the Ukrainian battlefield ahead of the country's Victory Day parade on May 9. The exhibit organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) opened on May 1 and is set to last for a month. The captured military vehicles were exhibited at a World War II memorial venue in western Moscow. Firearms, military papers and other documents were also put on display. Those on exhibit include a British Saxon armored personnel carrier, which is thought to have been donated to Ukraine in 2015. A Swedish CV90 armored combat vehicle, an American Bradley Fighting Vehicle and a French-made AMX-10RC armored fighting vehicle are likewise on display. A Leopard 2 tank and a Marder armored infantry vehicle, both from Germany, are also present for visitors to see. According to the Daily Mirror, the vehicles displayed were emblazoned with red banners stating "Our victory is inevitable." The tabloid added that Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to parade the armored vehicles on display, some of which have American and British flags, during the May 9 Victory Day parade to celebrate the "special military operation" in Ukraine. The parade commemorates Russia's victory over Nazi Germany in WWII. During the 2023 Victory Day parade, Putin launched into a furious 10-minute address in front of the Kremlin. He denounced "Western global elites" during that speech and asserted that civilization was at "a decisive turning point." The Russian leader has compared his actions in Ukraine to the earlier struggle against the Nazis almost 80 years ago. "Ukraine, which lost proportionately more ground to Russia during WWII, accuses [Moscow] of abusing its common past to support aggression," the Mirror noted. "Following Moscow's initial blitzkrieg attempt to seize the capital, Kyiv, more than 3,000 tanks have been damaged or destroyed in the two years of conflict."

Peskov: Exhibit of captured Western combat vehicles a "brilliant idea"

"History is repeating itself. Strength is the truth. It's always been that way, in 1943 and today," the MOD said in a statement. "These war trophies reflect our strength. The more of them there are, the stronger we are. No Western military equipment will change the situation on the battlefield." Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov lauded the exhibition at the Russian capital as a "brilliant idea" set to "attract great interest." "The exhibition of trophy equipment will attract great interest from Moscow residents, guests of our city and all residents of the country," he said. "We should all see the enemy's battered equipment." Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, urged foreign diplomats in the Russian capital to take the opportunity to visit the exhibition. "This exhibition will be interesting to all those who still believe in mythical 'Western values' or fail to notice an aggression unleashed by [the] NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] against Russia and our people," she remarked. Zakharova added that the exhibition will make visitors see how "the West destroys peace on the planet." Meanwhile, Russian military bloggers drew parallels between the current exhibit and the exhibits of captured Nazi military equipment that the Soviet Union held during and after WWII. For the state-controlled Channel One, the star of the show was a captured M1 Abrams tank. According to the outlet, the captured tank had been taken out by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine using a guided rocket and kamikaze drones. (Related: Biden sends 31 Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine after previously warning that doing so would lead to World War III.) A correspondent for the state channel clambered over the tank while holding his microphone. He told Russians checking out the exhibit that the M1 Abrams had been billed in its country of origin as an indestructible "wonder weapon." "But that was all nonsense," the Channel One correspondent continued. "Look at this. All of its reputation has been destroyed." Head over to for more stories like this. Watch this clip about the exhibit of captured military equipment from Ukraine in Moscow. This video is from the Vampire Slayer channel on

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