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Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claims Trump wants to "KILL" and "IMPRISON" his political opponents
By ramontomeydw // 2024-04-26
Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has claimed that former President Donald Trump wants to "kill" and "imprison" his political opponents. The 76-year-old former first lady made this claim during an appearance on the "Defending Democracy" podcast. Host Marc Elias asked the former secretary of state about her take on the 2024 presidential race. Trump is set to be the Republican Party's nominee, while incumbent President Joe Biden is set to be the Democratic Party's nominee for a second term. According to Clinton, she believes that the "effective and compassionate" Biden "wants to maintain our democracy." In contrast, she compared Trump to autocrats such as Russian President Vladimir Putin or North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "Trump was just gaga over Putin because Putin does what Trump would like to do: kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists into exile [and] rule without any check or balance. That's what Trump really wants. Those are the people he is modeling himself after, and we've been down this road in our … world history. We sure don't want to go down that again," the former first lady told Elias. "They say Biden is old, I say you're right. Joe Biden is old. [But] he's also effective, compassionate [and] he cares about people. Trump is old and he has 91 federal criminal indictments against him." (Related: Hillary Clinton: Joe Biden's AGE is a legitimate issue to consider ahead of 2024 presidential elections.) According to Clinton, Biden "will abide by the results of a fair and free election." This was ostensibly a swipe at Trump, who has been challenging the results of the rigged 2020 election that put Biden into the White House.

Clinton: Biden's age is definitely something to consider

But a spokesperson for the Trump campaign brushed the former first lady's concerns aside, calling her delusional.

"Hillary continues to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and can't seem to accept the results of the 2016 [presidential] election. So she is now trying to tell herself lies, in addition to trying to gaslight the American people into believing her own warped and perverted views," the spokesperson told the Washington Examiner in a statement.

According to the Daily Mail, Clinton repeatedly emphasized that Trump was "old" – and Biden more so. In May, she remarked that the 81-year-old incumbent's age is something to consider ahead of the November 2024 elections. She made the remarks during the Financial Times Weekend Festival held in Washington, D.C. last May 20. Financial Times (FT) editor Edward Luce asked the former secretary of state about Biden stumbling at the Group of Seven (G-7) Summit in Japan. "It's a concern for everyone," responded Clinton. "We've had presidents who had fallen before who were a lot younger, and people didn't go into heart palpitations. But his age is an issue, and people have every right to consider it." The former first lady cited a maxim from Biden: "He has this great saying – and I think he's right – 'Don't judge him for running against the Almighty but against the alternative.'" Nevertheless, Clinton told Luce: "I am of the camp that I think he's determined to run. He has a good record that, three years ago, people would not have predicted would have gotten done. He doesn't get the credit yet for what is happening out in the country in terms of jobs, growth and planning for the future. So, I obviously hope he stays very focused and able to compete in the election because I think he can be re-elected, and that's what we should all hope for." Visit for more stories about the former first lady and failed presidential candidate. Watch Hillary Clinton falsely claiming that Trump wants to kill and imprison his political enemies below. This video is from the Heaven Reigns channel on

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