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Israel's planned slaughter of genetically engineered red heifers will herald Temple rebuilding, unveiling of Antichrist (Jewish messiah)
By ethanh // 2024-04-15
The reason for the October 7 "Operation Al Aqsa Flood" Hamas attack on Israel has everything to do with the "five perfectly red heifers" that were announced a month prior in September 2023. Many people do not realize this, but the five cows that have not yet borne calves – all genetically engineered (GMO), by the way – come from Texas and meet Israel's requirement for sacrifice. Using the ashes, Israel will then rebuild and inaugurate a third temple along with animal sacrifices, paving the way for the Jewish messiah, also known as the Antichrist, to take over. Once the red heifers were publicly announced, Hamas reportedly responded with claims that the ashes would be used to "Judaize the holy mosques," adding that the "Al Aqsa [the mosque on the Temple Mount] is in danger," hence the subsequent Hamas attack. Hamas' Abu Obeida cited the heifers as the reason for the attack, declaring their arrival an act of "aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity," not to mention what Muslim see as a major act of disrespect against Mohammed, their prophet. (Related: Anyone who disagrees with Israel's war on Gaza is "antisemitic," according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.)

Here comes the Antichrist

The heifers only add fuel to the fires of conflict between Muslims and the Jewish people, the latter of which are using Number 19 in the Old Testament as instruction for what to do with the heifers after sacrificing them. When Israel's third temple is rebuilt, the ashes of the heifer mixed with water will be used as ritual purification to allow kohanim, including priests and descendants of priests, to enter. "[L]acking a red heifer has left all of Israel ritually impure and unable to properly perform many other commandments," reported Israel365News about how the Jews are looking to the heifer rather than Jesus Christ to purify them of their sins. In order to even perform the ceremony, a priest has to be purified using the prepared ashes, which is now possible once the chosen heifer is slaughtered and burned in accordance with Judaism. Once the red heifer ritual has returned, which it apparently has, the time to reinstate the Jewish Temple will have arrived. And with the new temple will also come the arrival of the Jewish messiah known as Antichrist, whom they will worship instead of Jesus Christ during the Time of Jacob's Trouble. "These Red Heifers can bring world peace!" Israel365News blasphemously reported. "The bible teaches us, that the key for building the Third Temple (the House of Prayer for All the Nations) is purifying us with the red heifer in Jerusalem." In other words, the red heifers come first, then the Temple, then the Antichrist who will rule with a one-world government. It was influential 12th century Rabbie Moshe ben Maimon who linked the bringing of the next red heifer to the coming Jewish messiah, meaning once the chosen red heifer arrives, next will come the Antichrist. The only other thing standing in the way is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which sits atop the area where the third Temple is to be rebuilt, known as the Temple Mount. Currently, only Muslims are allowed to pray at the site, but that could soon change. "It would seem likely that, if the Temple were to be rebuilt, and as a result a particular man were to be acclaimed as the Messiah, then such a man may well be the prophesied Antichrist," writes Paul Cahill for LifeSiteNews. The latest news about what Israel is up to can be found at Sources for this article include: