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Christian trucking company fined $700k for refusing to hire illegal immigrants
By newseditors // 2023-12-05
The United States Justice Department announced they reached a $700,000 agreement with Covenant Transport Inc. to resolve discriminatory practices against non-U.S. people. (Article by Graham republished from That’s right. The DOJ has found that it is discrimination to hire only legal citizens. Chattanoogan News shares more on the story:
The Justice Department announced Tuesday that it has secured a $700,000 agreement with Covenant Transport Inc. (Covenant), as well as the affiliated entity Transport Management Services LLC (Transport), two transportation logistics and long-haul trucking companies headquartered in Chattanooga. The agreement resolves the department’s determination that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) “by routinely discriminating against non-U.S. “Employers cannot discriminate against non-U.S. citizens by demanding specific or unnecessary documents from them to prove their permission to work,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to ensuring compliance with our federal civil rights laws so that non-U.S. citizens with permission to work can contribute their talents to our workforce.”
Our nation is crumbling, and Biden is ensuring its destruction. Punishing U.S. companies for only hiring U.S. citizens is insane! More from ABC’s Channel 9 News:
Employers are required to let workers present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker. Under the terms of the agreement, Covenant and Transport will pay $700,000 in civil penalties to the United States, train their employees on the INA’s anti-discrimination requirements, revise their employment policies and be subject to monitoring by the department.
American jobs belong to legal U.S. citizens. As millions of illegal aliens flood into our country, Americans are being forced to fight for jobs. This is not sustainable, and there will be a breaking point soon. Read more at: