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TWISTED: Israeli kids sing a song about "annihilating everyone" in Gaza
By ramontomeydw // 2023-11-30
A music video that featured a group of Jewish children singing a song about "annihilating everyone" in the Gaza Strip recently went viral on social media. The Israeli public broadcaster Kan 11 originally published the song and its accompanying music video, before it was subsequently deleted due to widespread backlash. The song titled "Friendship Song 2023" was penned by Shulamit Stolero and Ofer Rosenbaum, and produced by the latter's Rosenbaum Communications. Despite the positive title, the lyrics of the song showed no friendship at all – as evidenced in its first lines. "Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza. Planes are bombing; destruction, destruction," the song's first two lines said. It also promised that "in another year, there will be nothing there" and "within a year, [Israel] will annihilate everyone" – lines that clearly promote the genocide of the Gazan people. The song's final line ominously warned: "We will show the world how today, we destroy our enemy." (Related: WATCH: Israeli children sing 'we will annihilate everyone' in Gaza.) "The sweet faces of children make an incongruous accompaniment to the genocidal lyrics," wrote Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah. "Some expressed concern that it would help 'Hamas propaganda,' while others appeared genuinely disgusted by the video's violent and genocidal messages." He also recounted a 2020 billboard campaign involving Rosenbaum that ran in the city of Tel Aviv. The billboard depicted Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority kneeling on the ground and blindfolded. "Peace is only made with defeated enemies," the billboard's caption said. Abuminah noted that the 2020 campaign was commissioned by the Israeli Victory Project (IVP), which was connected to the Middle East Forum headed by foreign policy commentator Daniel Pipes. The IVP is currently promoting the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip, he added. Abuminah ultimately remarked that "incitement to genocide is a crime," and that "using children to promote a message of genocide is another form of abuse."

Israel keeps on parroting GENOCIDE against the population of Gaza

Chris Menahan of Information Liberation meanwhile noted: "This is the type of lunacy you produce when the guiding principle of your war is an ancient biblical commandment to 'destroy Amalek.'" The remark referenced an earlier statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which quoted the first book of the Prophet Samuel. "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible," Netanyahu remarked as he announced Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip. He then cited a passage from the said book, which said: "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich also echoed this biblical call to genocide, this time in a Nov. 16 post on the X platform. He began the post by sending out his condolences to the families of Nathaniel Harosh and Yossi Hershkovich, two Israel Defense Force (IDF) reservists killed by Hamas. "The message of the families is unequivocal: We will not stop until Amalek is finally destroyed," wrote Smotrich. "Those who paid the highest price demand from us that the price not be in vain." Even Ezra Yachin, the oldest IDF reservist, called for the annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza. "Finish them off and don't leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children," he said. "These animals can no longer live." Visit for more stories about Israel wanting to annihilate the population of Gaza. Watch the music video "Friendship Song 2023" which calls for the genocide of the Palestinians. This video is from The Prisoner channel on

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