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Girl Scouts of America now tells girls White people are evil oppressors
By newseditors // 2023-11-27
The Girl Scouts of America used to be a wholesome, all-American institution that taught girls how to be patriotic young women. Now they are teaching kids to be baby-killing, feminists who hate white people. (Article by Warner Todd Huston republished from No exaggeration. The Girl Scouts have committed to becoming an “anti-racist” organization. Now, that does not mean they “stand against racism.” The anti-racist movement is a promotion of racism, not a refutation of it. Yes, the anti-racist movement is against racism against minorities. But they straight out promote racism against white people. The movement is unreservedly racist against white who they deem to be permanent, unrepentant, and irredeemably racist people. From their webpage — which, by the way, features an photo of girls screaming in rage with hate on their faces:
Our commitment to antiracism: Girl Scouts of the USA is working to become an antiracist organization. Our antiracism pledge reflects who we are: an organization that is rooted in values set forth in our Girl Scout Law, including honesty, fairness, caring, courage, and respect for self and others. All of these are hallmarks of Girl Scouts’ broader commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial justice. … [G]irl Scouts commits to taking action to support Black girls, their families, and their communities.
Further down on the page, they also admit to be supporters of the Marxist, anti-American Black Lives Matter movement: “[W]e know that Black Lives Matter. We commit to doing all we can…to help create the change in our communities that is long overdue.” The group also alleges that “tolerance isn’t working” — it “simply isn’t good enough.” Therefore, the GSA now supports ends-justify-the-means activism based in rage and hate. This is what you are exposing your little girls to if you send them to the Girl Scouts. Read more at: