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Top 5 reasons ANY WAR is a GOOD WAR for the Democrats in Washington D.C.
By sdwells // 2023-11-27
Without mail-in ballots and serious machine-flipped votes, the Biden Regime is in deep trouble for the POTUS election coming next year, and Donald J. Trump will surely win. Without a new plandemic, Obama will not serve his fourth term from 2024 to 2028 (he's the Biden puppet master right now). Without World War III beginning in a big way, or at least something close to it, the Democrats won't be able to stave off the biggest election in the history of the Republic (which could easily be the END of the Republic should the CCP-led Biden Regime win by fixing the election again). War has proven for decades to be the easiest way for politicians to launder money and generate the money they need to stay in power. The military industrial complex works very simply, but most Americans have no clue, while they watch the nightly news and cheer for Ukraine, Israel or any other nation that the crooks in D.C. claim is getting a bully beat down. Politicians fuel the war, run companies that overbill for everything and keep the difference. This includes for tools, weapons and buildings. For example, Dick Cheney made billions via Halliburton during the Iraq War for more than 5 years. It's a formula for disguising planned chaos, and it's rather simple. The War in Ukraine is a war chest for the Biden Regime. The War in Gaza is another money pit, and the Democrats have their deep pockets wide open like a net there. The trick? Get most Americans to pick a side and cheer it on. The Biden Regime needs the great reset to really take effect this time around. The scamdemic set the wheels in motion, but it's not enough to keep them in power. They need a World War in the next 12 months. The question is, how will they start it, and who might "finish" it? The United States is run by hostile terrorists right now and child trafficking freaks who are flirting with (or outright planning) the worst disaster the USA has ever seen. That brings us to the top five reasons any war is a good war for the demonic Democrats in Washington D.C.: #1. The military industrial complex is the easiest way for politicians in control to launder billions and trillions of dollars annually. #2. War makes the public accept limitations to their freedom, in the name of safety and security. Even a war declared on our own soil, like 9/11 or the plandemic, is acceptable to them as they want complete control over everything and everyone. #3. A massive world war could postpone the POTUS election that the Demon Dems are sure to lose without a viable candidate, fraudulent mail-in ballots and vote-flipping machines in every swing state. #4. Conning at least half of America into supporting a (staged) war that supposedly staves off the boogeyman (Russia) means stealing taxpayer money to cripple the Republic and turn the USA into a full-blown communist nightmare for good, with the elites in control. #5. The ever-unstated goal of the O'Biden Regime is to wipe out the middle class in America, so a war of "pandemic proportions" is a formula for that "success." One cannot put a purposeful war past the Democrats in D.C., because we've already witnessed their war against all things ethical. We see the perversions in the school system with the whole trans-surgery-and-drugs for kids and teens campaign (that includes pedos and human trafficking). We see the hate system in place for "whitey" and "Russia." We see Resident Biden pulled around like a puppet by globalists, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big China (CCP). We saw the entire supply chain crumble during the China Flu outbreak. Then there's the Proxy War On Ukraine and Gaza. Listen folks, keep your eyes open and your truth news in check by adding  to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving and thriving in the near future, and news that's being scrubbed from MSM and social media as you read this. Sources for this article include: