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Poll: Trump LEADS Biden in five key swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and North Carolina
By lauraharris // 2023-10-24
A new poll conducted by Morning Consult and Bloomberg has revealed that former President Donald Trump has taken the lead over incumbent President Joe Biden in five key swing states. The surveys, released on October 19, show a shift in public opinion since the 2020 election, when Trump led Biden among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Biden won in all of these four states in 2020. Additionally, Trump leads in North Carolina just like in 2016 and 2o20. However, Trump and Biden toss-up in Michigan with both candidates locked at 44 percent. (Related: Trump gains 9-POINT LEAD over Biden in Pennsylvania poll.) According to the poll, the current status of the U.S. economy contributes to Biden's drop in favorability. The survey reveals that 51 percent of swing-state voters believe the national economy was better with Trump. Moreover, only 35 percent of these voters are confident with Biden's economic policies, compared to the 49 percent who trust Trump. Similarly, 49 percent of them believe Biden's policies have been detrimental, while a mere 26 percent said Bidenomics has been good for the economy. "Right now, Biden is not getting any credit for work he's done on the economy. Almost twice as many voters in the swing states are saying that Bidenomics is bad for the economy, which is a really startling fact if you're the Biden campaign," commented Caroline Bye, a pollster and vice president for Morning Consult.  True enough, only a 26 percent think Bidenomics has been good for the economy, compared to the 49 percent who believe Biden's policies have been detrimental. Similarly, only 14 percent of swing state voters who consider the economy as their top concern think Bidenomics is doing well, while 65 percent believe they are not.

Trump's immigration policies contribute to favorable poll results

Meanwhile, Trump's immigration policies during his tenure as president from 2017 to 2021 had a positive impact on the results of the polls. The suspension of refugee resettlement, implementation of travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries and the deployment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents helped the U.S. decrease the number of immigrants during those years. With Trump running again for the presidency in the 2024 elections, he promised to reinstate these programs. Trump also vowed to implement ideological screening for potential immigrants if reelected as president during a campaign event in Iowa on Oct. 16. "No longer will we allow dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots and maniacs to get residency in our country," Trump said. He warned that supporters of radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, advocates for the abolition of the state of Israel, or endorsers of Hamas and its ideology would be disqualified from seeking citizenship. Communists, Marxists and fascists would likewise be disqualified, Trump added. He said the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel played an important role in this proposal. "The atrocities in Israel are a horrific reminder that immigration security is national security. The purpose of U.S. immigration law is not to protect the world–it’s to protect the United States of America," said Trump.
Visit for more news related to the former president.
Watch Owen Shroyer of InfoWars outlining some reasons why Biden's approval rating is dismal. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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