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DOUBLE STANDARD: Why do Ukrainian "freedom fighters" have a right to exist but Palestinian "sub-humans" do not?
By ethanh // 2023-10-22
Majed Abusalama, one of the co-founders of Palestine Speaks, a Germany-based advocacy group, wrote an op-ed published by Al Jazeera this week that calls out the hypocrisy of European politicians who vilify and demonize the Palestinian people as "animals" and "sub-humans" while propping up Ukrainian "freedom fighters" as noble warriors for a just cause. Abusalama is personally connected to the goings-on in Palestine in that his friend Mohammed Mokhiemar, wife Safaa, and three-month-old baby Elyana, were all killed in an Israeli strike just hours before the bombing of the al-Ahli hospital in central Gaza. "They were killed after evacuating with other families to the southern part of Gaza, following Israeli orders," Abusalama writes. "They and 70 other Palestinians were killed by Israeli air strikes." "The only word I can think of that comes close to what I feel right now is 'qahr' in Arabic; it is not just pain, anguish and anger. It is the feeling passed on through generations, accumulated more than 75 years of ethnic cleansing, mass killings, injustice, oppression, colonisation, occupation and apartheid. It is a feeling ingrained in every Palestinian, something we have to live with all our lives." (Related: Globalist Henry Kissinger says he regrets letting so many migrants come to Europe because pretty much all of them oppose the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.)

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A former resident of the Gaza Strip who now lives in Germany, Abusalama's family home in Gaza was raided by Israelis who arrested his father and subjected him to repeated arbitrary detention without trial or charge. At one point, Abusalama himself was shot by Israeli soldiers for peacefully protesting. Today, Abusalama says he is horrified by what is taking place, not to mention the speed with which it is all happening. Even worse is the unconditional support that leaders in the European Union (EU), the United States, and other Western powers are affording to Israel. "On October 11, when more than 1,000 Palestinians had already been killed by indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of Gaza, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, offered unconditional support to Israel," Abusalam writes. "'Europe stands with Israel. And we fully support Israel's right to defend itself,' she said, making no mention of the complete blockade Israel had imposed on Gaza, cutting off electricity, water, and the supply of food and medicine – what legal experts define as a war crime." Meanwhile, these same Western leaders are also giving unconditional support to Ukraine, calling resisters of the Russian special military operation "freedom fighters" while simultaneously calling Palestinians resisters to the Israeli assault "animals" and "sub-human." "European politicians from across the political spectrum – including many liberals and greens – have joined the campaign of collective dehumanisation of Palestinians," he writes. "Yet, these same individuals have been more than forthcoming in support of Ukraine in its struggle against Russian occupation." "According to them, Ukrainians have the right to resist, Palestinians do not; Ukrainians are 'freedom fighters,' Palestinians are 'terrorists.' Ukrainian lives lost to indiscriminate bombardment of civilian homes and infrastructure are worth mourning, Palestinian lives lost in the same circumstances are better ignored – or worse justified as Israel exercising its 'right to defend itself.' This European double standard is truly deadly." Those who are able to put their preconceived notions aside and actually look at history will see the brutality that Palestinians have been subjected to throughout the ages, Abusalama maintains. "It is a disgrace to talk about human rights, equality and democracy and then fail to question the brutal policies of a country that engages in settler colonisation and apartheid," he says. You can read Abusalama's full op-ed at The latest news about the Israel-Palestine conflict can be found at Sources for this article include: