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Big Pharma FASCISM is rising
By ethanh // 2023-10-12
Politics is a funny thing. For most of the 20th century and even still into the 21st century, the Right has focused on banning medicinal plants (i.e., cannabis) and promoting only pharmaceutical drugs as "medicine." The Left, at least 10 or 20 years ago, was more into the earth and the freedom to use it as one sees fit. Then came the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," which brought about a big switch. Suddenly, the Left was all about forcing everyone to mask up and get "vaccinated" by Big Pharma and the government because of a scary-sounding "virus," while the Right pushed for freedom of medical choice. We know the two major political parties in this country represent the two wings of the same bird, and often use chaos and strategically divisive issue placement to divide the nation and wreak as much havoc as they can in the process – their unified motto is "divide and conquer," after all. Somehow, the Left morphed into promoting the same type of Big Pharma fascism that its members previously decried. And suddenly, the Right became all about medical freedom, at least as it pertains to Fauci Flu shots. What ended up happening is that primarily "blue" states like California have really ramped up trying to force people to take drugs in the form of COVID shots in order to keep everyone "safe." The Right, meanwhile, is mostly trying to maintain the right to not get jabbed for COVID – and now many of them are saying the same thing about vaccines in general, arguing that they should always be a matter of choice. (Related: Many of the "official" groups we are told to trust about matters related to public health who pushed for COVID jab mandates are funded by Pfizer.)

Only support politicians on either side who truly support health and medical freedom

The sad truth in today's political climate is that both sides hold valid positions on certain issues, even while both sides also hold invalid positions on certain other issues. Neither side fully promotes freedom and liberty in the way the founders intended, which is why many Americans are disillusioned and no longer vote. On the issue of COVID injections, though, the Right is officially on the right side of the argument. Republican politicians almost uniformly reject the idea of a COVID jab mandate – or any other COVID-related mandate, for that matter. And the Left is still getting duped into believing that they are on the right side of the issue by supporting a forced, communist-style system where vaccine jabs are required in order to live. Where Republicans still go wrong, though, is in supporting the privatization of medicine to the point that large multi-national corporations like Pfizer are able to call all the shots – and dispense their wares without any liability, making the drug industry the only industry that is unfairly protected in such a way. If Republicans really want to put their money where their mouth is, the party as a whole would adopt a true medical freedom platform where the individual is allowed to choose or not choose whatever he or she wants to take or use for health, just so long as nobody else is directly hurt by it, as with any other real crime. Democrats would also do well to remember their roots, which include the recognition that Big Pharma and Big Business in general is bad for individual autonomy. It promotes the very fascism that they loudly protest against without realizing that they are walking contradictions whenever they advocate for more jab mandates in the name of "public health." If we let it, Big Pharma will take over the entire world and enslave everyone under pharmakeia – which has basically already happened, if you really think about it. Learn more at Sources for this article include: