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Dr. McCullough warns: Getting jabbed multiple times with mRNA COVID "vaccines" could promote "turbo cancer"
By ethanh // 2023-10-12
During a recent online symposium organized by the World Council for Health, renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warned about the latest research confirming that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" are, in fact, linked to a newfound phenomenon known as "turbo cancer." Dr. McCullough unpacked a prominent theory bearing much credibility that cancer is only allowed to form inside a human body when certain "multiple different processes" are impacted, even if a "single source of exposure" is responsible for triggering these multiple different processes. The single source of exposure that Dr. McCullough was referring to is, of course, Fauci Flu shots. Citing the "Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Carcinogenesis" proposed by Sutherland and J.C. Bailar in 1984, Dr. McCullough argued that mRNA injections in particular trigger multiple different changes throughout the body that promote cancer formation and spread. Dr. McCullough also cited a pre-print paper asserting that the S2 segment of the spike protein produced by the mRNA covid injections "is likely to inhibit tumor suppressor systems." In his view, this cancer-promoting effect of the shots "hit number one." (Related: Sadly, even those of us who did not get injected for COVID directly may have still been "vaccinated" indirectly by fully injected people who unknowingly "shed" the poison on us in passing.)

Were COVID "vaccines" purposely designed to trigger "turbo cancers?"

Research out of China also shows that the mRNA component of the injections "impair[s] the natural DNA repair mechanisms of the human body." This would qualify as another of the multiple different processes through which COVID shots cause cancer to form and spread. In other words, the S2 component of the shots inhibits tumor suppression while the mRNA component stops the body from repairing corrupted DNA, the latter of which Dr. McCullough described as "hit number two." A potential third source of cancer promotion from COVID shots is the apparent "contamination" of the vials with Simian Virus 40, or SV40. This and other contaminants act as "promoters and enhancers" of cancer, as well as other poisons like E. coli. The purported reason why E. coli is even used at all is to help Big Pharma mass produce "large quantities of messenger RNA," Dr. McCullough further explained. As for SV40, another paper published in the journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews explains that the toxin is a "known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma and lymphomas in laboratory animals." The overall purpose of the symposium at which Dr. McCullough spoke was to address the implications of the recently discovered plasmid DNA in COVID jabs. As retired Thai-German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warned, plasmid DNA causes genetic mutations that once again are linked to cancer formation. Plasmid DNA is also toxic simply because it is a foreign type of DNA that the body does not recognize, which thus causes it to attack itself with auto-immunity. Dr. Bhakdi warns that this plasmid DNA leads to "long-term inflammation and organ damage throughout the body." "We knew this was coming," one of our own commenters wrote, explaining what he or she is doing to combat the issue of COVID jab shedding. "The government and media tried to denounce as something conspiracy theorists do, research. Since the start of the jab nonsense, I have been foraging dandelions and pine and growing artemisia (the prime herb used in ivermectin). "We have been drinking pine needle tea daily for a few years now. This has been shown to help prevent the spikes from binding to your T-cell receptors via the shikimic acid, d-limonene, quercetin, vitamin C and antioxidants that pine contains. We double up or sometimes triple up if we've been around shedders." The full carnage of Operation Warp Speed is still yet to come. Learn more at Sources for this article include: [PDF]