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Texas AG Ken Paxton being prevented from prosecuting voter fraud by "secretive" Texas court
By arseniotoledo // 2023-09-26
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has revealed that a "secretive" court in Texas is preventing him from prosecuting instances of voter fraud. Paxton, coming off an impeachment vote that found him innocent of corruption charges, told Glenn Beck during a recent episode of "The Glenn Beck Program" that the state's elections are being threatened by district attorneys who will refuse to bring charges against people who commit voter fraud starting next year. (Related: President Trump releases statement following acquittal of AG Ken Paxton.) According to Paxton, it is nearly impossible to prosecute voter fraud in the Texas Court of Appeals. He said the Texas Appeals Court struck down a law from 1951 that could have helped him as attorney general prosecute tampering with the elections in the state. "Voter fraud and cases that go to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals were the only things I have original jurisdiction on relating to criminal matters," he said. In another interview, this time with Tucker Carlson, Paxton warned that the state's Court of Criminal Appeals threw out over 900 cases of voter fraud, denying Paxton and his office the right to prosecute. "We were fully busy prosecuting voter fraud, and suddenly the Court of Criminal Appeals – all Republicans – said 'Nope, it's unconstitutional for the attorney general to be in court because these are the executive branch.' That was their reasoning," said Paxton. "They said that was a 'judicial' function, so I could no longer be in court."

George Soros investing in Texas judiciary to prevent prosecution of voter fraud

Paxton noted in both interviews that Texas' judicial system is being influenced to set up Republicans like himself for defeat in 2024 and beyond. Paxton and his office are especially being targeted because of their work investigating people and organizations who committed voter fraud as well as those who helped run elections. In his interview with Beck, Paxton warned about how in March 2024 three members of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals will be up for reelection, and voters need to be wary of candidates who may be backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros. "I think George Soros is, in my opinion, trying to do three things," said Paxton. "One, get the DAs [district attorneys] elected in these liberal counties. So, he beat all Democratic DAs that were prosecuting crimes. He did in Travis County, an unseated Democrat there that was actually prosecuting crimes. He did the same thing in San Antonio. So he got control of that, knowing full well that this would affect voting." "Second, he helped put [eight] members on the Supreme Court … and because Republicans don't know who these people are, he was able to get these members of the court to strike down laws," continued Paxton. "And then the third strategy was to get rid of me. And then there's no hope. There's nowhere to go." The three judges on the Criminal Court of Appeals that are standing for reelection are Barbara Hervey, Michelle Slaughter and Presiding Judge Sharon Keller, all of whom voted to prevent Paxton from prosecuting voter fraud in Texas, a ruling that Paxton warned could be "devastating for future elections in Texas." Learn more about the ongoing battle for election integrity at Watch this clip from "The Glenn Beck Program" on TheBlaze as host Glenn Beck interviews Paxton about the George Soros-influenced Republicans who prevented him from persecuting voter fraud in Texas. This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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