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Remember that child trafficker who was arrested at the Ukraine-Slovakia border? He just admitted a Ukrainian boarding school in Perechyn is a FRONT for organ harvesting network
By ethanh // 2023-09-21
Back in early July, we covered the story with leaked video showing the confession of this man, who admitted to having higher involvement in the trafficking of children from a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. We have also learned the man's name, Denys Varodi, who was allegedly given a $1,000 down payment for the 11-month-old baby before being arrested. Video footage obtained by journalist Vitaliy Glagola, Varodi's cellmate, shows Varodi spilling the beans about Ukraine's child trafficking rings. According to Varodi, he and numerous other Ukrainian traffickers are involved with a "charity organization" that targets orphaned students at the Perechyn boarding school. Many student trips at the school involved taking the children to places like "Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America." During these trips, lawyers working with the assigned trafficker would falsify student documents to get them across the border. In some cases, those documents falsely claimed that the children had been "adopted" and were being delivered to their new "homes." "Children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation," Varodi admitted. "If 25 children were taken out, only 23 were returned ... between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers."

Chemical and biological weapons, child trafficking, and rampant money laundering: is Ukraine the most corrupt nation in the world?

As you might expect, some of the remaining children would ask their "teachers" why some of their friends were suddenly missing. Varodi and his co-conspirators would simply make up stories to deceive them into continuing to participate in the scheme, with one by one being handed over to organ transplant traffickers on each subsequent trip. "They were mostly orphans who had no parents," Varodi revealed. "Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are." Some Ukrainian police officers are also involved in the trafficking scheme. Varodi stated that one cop by the name of "Sasha" had taken several girls from the boarding school on a regular basis. Employees at the boarding school confirmed that they had seen Sasha take "two girls ... constantly," seizing them in the evening and returning them the next morning. This occurred "systematically," according to Glagola. According to Glagola, Varodi further "accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution's lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director's son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs." Glagola has since called on law enforcement to investigate the matter further to get to the bottom of these alleged crimes. It makes sense what Varodi is admitting to, seeing as how there have been many reports coming out of Ukraine about rampant child abuse and trafficking, money laundering, and of course the dozens of Pentagon-run chemical and biological weapons laboratories that blanket the country. The full English-translated transcript of Glagola's interview with Varodi is available at You can also watch the video footage from Rumble instead of Telegram below: Please note that you will need to follow along with the English-translated transcript at in order to understand what is being said in the above video footage since The Post Millennial, which posted it, did not include English subtitles. "Remember Trump's first impeachment for looking into what was going on in Ukraine?" asked one commenter at the Free Republic forum. "Well, now the question is who in the U.S. government knew this was going on? Who has been involved? Is this one of several things certain people want to keep hidden?" "And the U.S. government is funding the infrastructure allowing this to happen." The latest news about child trafficking, Ukraine, and the global pedophile and organ trafficking rings that plague our planet can be found at Sources for this article include: