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SHEER INSANITY: Joe Biden cancels oil and gas leases in Alaska to further "weaken U.S. energy security"
By bellecarter // 2023-09-13
President Joe Biden is truly systematically tearing down America's energy infrastructure, gutting any potential for energy independence, as it was confirmed last week that his regime is canceling seven oil and gas leases in the Alaska area known as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The move will block new drilling on millions of acres amid surging gas and crude oil prices. "On day one of this administration, President Biden directed us to look at the oil and gas leases sold in the refuge by the previous administration," Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a Wednesday call with reporters. "What we have found in our analysis is that the lease sale itself was seriously flawed and based on a number of fundamental legal deficiencies." The said leases were legally awarded from a 2021 sale. Meanwhile, in a written statement, Biden pointed out that the move will help preserve the nation's Arctic lands and wildlife "while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives who have lived on these lands since time immemorial." The White House press release also included that "as the climate crisis warms the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the world, we have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages." "My administration will continue to take bold action to meet the urgency of the climate crisis and to protect our lands and waters for generations to come," the president further said, adding that he is proposing a rule that would protect 13 million acres in a different part of Alaska. Despite the clamor for America's energy self-sufficiency, independence, and security, Biden's administration canceled the Keystone XL pipeline project and has been reportedly draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels, with some actually sold to a Hunter Biden-linked Chinese energy giant. That is not all: the current regime also vowed to ban "oil drilling" on U.S. soil while America's geopolitical adversaries – two of whom paid his family handsomely – beef up their own energy independence. Fox Business host and former President Donald Trump's government official Larry Kudlow criticized Biden's policies, saying that the latest cancellation of ANWR oil and gas leases is "sheer insanity." Worse, it only helps Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. "Biden is playing into the hands of some of the worst actors in the world. I’ve never seen anything… and damaging, obviously, consumers and businesses here at home," Kudlow said exasperatedly. In a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Kudlow's show was shared and captioned: Who is Biden working for? He is killing our oil industry. Users replied to the thread with answers like: "International communism, Obama for starters" and "Trudeau killed ours." Another one said that Biden "works for WEF/Davos old European banking interests" and that "Soros and Schwab want to destroy our country." (Related: Mike Adams and Alex Jones were right: Major U.S. energy provider predicting blackouts across 13 states thanks to 'forced renewable energy' push by Biden regime.)

Manchin: Biden is a staunch follower of the Left cult

For West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, Biden's recent decision is yet another example of this administration caving to the radical left with no regard for clear direction from Congress for American energy security. "Let’s be clear. This is another attempt to use executive action to circumvent a law to accomplish what this administration does not have the votes to achieve in Congress," he revealed. He also added that canceling valid leases, removing acreage from future sales, and attempting to reduce production in Alaska while taking steps to allow Iran and Venezuela to produce more oil – with fewer environmental regulations – makes no sense and "is frankly embarrassing." Not only embarrassing and senseless, the move is not legal, Alaska GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski declared in a news release. "These decisions are illegal, reckless, defy all common sense, and are the latest signs of an incoherent energy policy from President Biden," Murkowski said. Randy Ruaro, executive director of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, agreed. He attested in the Murkowski news release that the Biden administration’s cancellation of the leases was an "arbitrary disregard for Federal law, based on campaign trail rhetoric." He added that under the law, the Interior must present real facts and reasons that support this reversal in position. "We have to go to court to protect our rights in the ANWR leases. This time, we will ask the court to allow us to conduct discovery that could include taking the deposition of Biden’s messenger, Secretary Haaland, and possibly other administration officials involved so the real motives are made public," he said. In the same news release, Alaska's other Republican Senator Dan Sullivan said, "Not only is this an affront to the rule of law, but it's also a grave injustice to the Inupiat people of the North Slope, especially the people of Kaktovik, which is the only village in ANWR." Sullivan also told reporters on Capitol Hill that Biden officials "love to talk about racial equity, racial justice, environmental justice, taking care of people of color, but with one big exception – the Indigenous people of Alaska. They screw 'em every time." Check out to read more stories about the big government's insane policies that attack energy independence.

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