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REPORT: Hunter Biden hired PR firm to clean up his Wikipedia page and make him look good
By arseniotoledo // 2023-08-17
A new report from independent journalist Lee Fang found that, in 2014, Hunter Biden contracted a public relations firm to edit certain Wikipedia pages to improve his image. The PR firm in question is FTI Consulting, a prominent digitally focused agency. According to Fang's report, which is cobbled together from pouring through Hunter's old emails, the presidential son and his business associates worked with FTI Consulting and several other PR firms to change the details on the Wikipedia page pertaining to Hunter's work for Ukrainian energy giant Burisma. (Related: Whistleblower: Secret Service prevented the FBI from interviewing Hunter Biden.) Hunter also used the firm to highlight his charitable work with the World Food Program to counter reports spreading online about his work with Burisma. "Hunter, the emails show, sought to delete a line explaining that the National Endowment for Democracy, which he previously worked with, had ties to the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency]. He also pushed to include more official titles from his various NGO board memberships," wrote Fang. Fang added that one email Hunter sent to then-FTI advisor Ryan Toohey noted that Erich Schwerin, a business partner of the Biden family, would be making "additional edits." Schwerin is known for being the president of Hunter's investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners. "Toohey, emails from Hunter's laptop show, confirmed that his company would get to work," wrote Fang. Other emails show that Hunter was also working and communicating closely with Burisma executives while outlining FTI's strategy regarding the Wikipedia edits. One email from Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi thanked Hunter for coordinating with the PR firm. "Thank you for your feedback on the Wikipedia issue," wrote Pozharskyi in an email to Hunter. "We found it thoroughly researched and clearly stated. We've also done some digging in terms of Wikipedia entries and came up with some additional Wikipedia pages analysis (see attached)."

PR firm made puppet accounts on Wikipedia to edit Hunter's wiki page

According to Fang's report, FTI Consulting made fake Wikipedia accounts to remove unflattering details and add a positive spin on articles involving Hunter. One account that the firm used even added "minor mistakes" such as grammatical errors to make the edits appear more realistic. One account, called "AmeliaChevalier," edited Hunter's Wikipedia page to delete references to "disgraced financier Allen Stanford," who was convicted in 2012 for orchestrating a 20-year-long, $7 billion Ponzi scheme. One prolific account called "Earflaps" made multiple edits, including deleting criticisms of Hunter's work for Burisma. Multiple other anonymous Wikipedia accounts made edits spaced out over several weeks to avoid suspicion. These accounts were later identified as "sock puppet" accounts, a term used to indicate Wikipedia users who only edit pages at the direction of clients who pay for their services, usually to airbrush negative information off the online encyclopedia. One investigation found that Earflaps and AmeliaChevalier were two of just a dozen accounts tied to PR firms hired to carefully manage the image of Russian businessmen and oligarchs. "Archives of Wikipedia show that a month after engaging with FTI, Hunter's Wikipedia page had dramatically changed, with negative references scrubbed and lengthy passages added to discuss his volunteer work, service in government and appointment to various boards and political committees," reported Fang. Learn more about the unethical and illegal activities of Hunter and other members of the Biden family at Watch this clip featuring an admission from a prominent Wikipedia editor that the website is run by the CIA. This video is from the PureTrauma357 channel on

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