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Roger Stone explains how charges against Trump are FATALLY FLAWED
By kevinhughes // 2023-08-10
The charges against former President Donald Trump are fatally flawed, according to political strategist Roger Stone. "Attorneys that I have talked to about these charges told me that they believe that they are fatally flawed, that they are a stretch," he told Owen Shroyer during the Aug. 3 edition of "The Alex Jones Show" on InfoWars. Stone pointed out that the charges won't hold water. "The goal here is to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. But in the meantime, because of the timing of the trial and the dynamics of the election season, [if] they were able to deny him returning to the White House, they will have achieved their goal." Stone continued that if the Deep State can send the former president behind bars for 600 years to serve as a lesson to anyone challenging the broken duopoly that is destroying the constitutional republic, "then that would be good for them too." Given this, he warned that D.C. is a kill zone for anyone who isn't a Democrat or a liberal who wants a fair trial. (Related: Biden’s Justice Department might file a THIRD INDICTMENT against Donald Trump.) Shroyer, meanwhile, commented that the Deep State must really fear Trump as they want to put him away for 600 years. He compared the former president to some sort of a mythical dragon that the Deep State wizards have to use a spell on.

Deep State moving quickly to indict Trump

Stone also pointed out how he was intrigued by the recent comments of Trump's lawyer John Lauro. The counsel for the former president said no court would litigate and hear their arguments when they tried to make a case and present proof of election fraud. The seasoned political operative who has served as senior campaign aide for several Republican presidents also zoomed in on the "left-wing mainstream jackals in the fake news media." These media outlets, he said, are saying the judges in the courts rejected their arguments. Stone said this isn't true, as the courts never agreed to hear the arguments in the first place. He cited an ongoing case in Pennsylvania where the election fraud and corruption of the entire system were exposed. Stone believes the Pennsylvania case can be a good template to make it possible for Trump's lawyers and supporters to have a chance to lay out the question of election fraud which they never really had an opportunity to do earlier. Shroyer said the window is there, but he believes that they will shut it down to make sure nobody gets access to it. The InfoWars show host added Trump can play the video clips with the Democrats denying elections and Biden's questionable 300,000 votes, which Shroyer thinks would all be rejected. Stone agreed with the host, saying: "I actually think it's possible that Special Counsel [Jack Smith] has moved a little more quickly than he had planned. But that's because the House Republicans were able to expose as much as they have been able to expose, and God forbid that story lead the news." "So, what is the answer? The answer is to move very quickly on Donald Trump. Why? Because he's leading Joe Biden in the polls. Because he's going to lengthen his lead against him in the polls." Stone ultimately concluded that Biden and the Democrats have hit the panic button and completely weaponized the justice system. Follow for more news about Donald Trump. Watch Roger Stone discussing with Owen Shroyer why the charges against Trump are fatally flawed. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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