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Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt and Daniel Estulin examine the Bilderberg Group – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-08-03
The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt and her guest Daniel Estulin examined the Bilderberg Group during the July 26 episode of the "Merritt Medical Hour" on Brighteon.TV. According to an article by the Center for Research on Globalization, the Bilderberg Group is a collective comprised of the "who's who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada and Western Europe." The group first convened in 1954 in the Netherlands to debate "the future of the world," holding secretive annual meetings since then. The Spain-based Estulin named some Bilderberg Group members, including Belgium's King Philippe, the Netherlands' Queen Beatrix and the late banker David Rockefeller. But organizations such as the Bilderberg Group go way back several hundred years, tracing their roots to the Catholic Church and Freemasonry. Groups similar to the Bilderberg also exist in the 20th century such as Milner's Kindergarten and the Council of Foreign Relations – the latter an extension of the Round Table movement in London. He told Merritt that the capitalist system gave rise to the closed supranational structure of a world government, which the Bilderberg Group echoes. The existence of this global supranational control system or grid is impossible without the structures of the capitalist system itself. Because of this, Estulin noted that many have a hard time understanding how a small group of people through supranational structures can somehow manage the course of history.

Bilderberg Group grew in power, strength and influence

Estulin pointed out that the Bilderberg Group – one perfect example of a supranational organization – "grew in power and strength, and also in influence, over the years." He also mentioned that Bilderberg Group members are members of other organizations that have an influence over world affairs. "All these groups, they interact. A lot of these members are member of one group, [and are] also members of the other. So they have some kind of an interlocked structure, and the decisions taken at one are passed on to the other." "So you have this global consensus reached in the supranational level, in the capitalist world, that has to do very much with control of society on the supranational level. And that's what Bilderberg is." In response to Merritt's question about the Bilderberg Group being linked to the so-called Committee of 300, Estulin replied in the negative. While the Committee of 300 is not related to the Bilderberg Group, both work together as part of an interlocked system. The investigative journalist also outlined the difference between the two globalist entities. The Committee of 300 is much more elitist than the Bilderberg, since it is composed of the aristocracy. Meanwhile, the Bilderberg Group is made up of more or less 130 people. The latter is made up of political elites and industry leaders in finance, academia and media. (Related: 68th Bilderberg Meeting centers on geopolitical alignments and possibility of global financial meltdown.) According to Estulin, the Western transatlantic power league decided to create a system that they can use to control society after WWII. The bilateral capitalist interests between the U.S. and Western Europe that emerged in the wake of World War II had allowed the transnational class to feed from the favors that governments are granting them on both sides of the Atlantic. This transnational capitalist class in the form of the Bilderberg Group doesn't necessarily answer to a particular state, but instead to multinational corporations and banks. Estulin added that it transcends the inter-imperialist rivalries and lives a life of its own beyond the scope of a nation-state. Follow for more information about the Bilderberg Group. Watch the July 26 episode of the "Merritt Medical Hour" below. The "Merritt Medical Hour" airs every Wednesday at 7-8 p.m. and Saturday at 2-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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