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OpenAI CEO launches global "Worldcoin" cryptocurrency to facilitate Universal Basic Income (UBI) and globalist authoritarian control
By ethanh // 2023-07-28
The new "Worldcoin" digital cryptocurrency token for global identification has officially launched, and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, the guy behind it, is thrilled about its implications for launching a global Universal Basic Income (UBI) program. As we recently reported, the purpose of Worldcoin is to verify the identities of internet users by scanning their irises to determine whether or not they are real people. This "World ID" program, as they are calling it, is part of a "global digital passport" system for instant verification. According to Altman, his company is strategically placing "orbs" all around the world to scan people's eyeballs. Users will need to make an in-person appointment to access the "orbs," which are silver balls designed to "verify humanness and uniqueness in a secure and privacy-preserving way." While still in beta, some two million users signed up for Worldcoin. The company's global orb deployment is now being expanded to 35 cities in 20 countries, according to reports. Once registered, some members in some countries will gain immediate access to Worldcoin's cryptocurrency token, known as WLD. "Looks like it's a combination of a global digital ID, crypto currency, AI and UBI?" tweeted investor and real estate guru George Gammon in condemnation of the technology. "It's literally not possible to create something that sounds worse." (Related: Altman says the new global digital currency will be tied to the new global digital ID system "whether you like it or not.")

The new cashless society will rely on ID verification programs like Worldcoin to disburse payments

The World ID program could be used to help differentiate between humans and artificial intelligence robots that look like humans. The AI takeover is at the heart of the Hollywood writers' and actors' unions protests as entertainment industry workers fight for fair pay amid the growing use of AI actors and voiceovers. We are told the World ID is a safe platform that does its job "while preserving privacy." The project says it could someday soon "enable global democratic processes, and eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI." "People will be supercharged by AI, which will have massive economic implications," Altman said in an interview with Reuters, adding that UBI is a prominent example of that. For instance, World ID could be used to verify that social security benefits recipients are real human beings entitled to payments, and not thieves or their AI robots pretending to be humans. Altman went on in the Reuters interview to state that global UBI will not be implemented until "very far in the future," so there is still time to figure out how World ID and Worldcoin can be implemented to support it. In the comments, one person wrote that rich people like Altman will surely not have to participate in such an invasive program, which is clearly designed for the unwashed masses. "Somehow, I suspect rich people like Sam Altman will make themselves immune from having to share their own 'income inequality' with others not so fortunate," this person added. "It'll be everyone else in the upper-middle class down that will have to share the difference between their income and the poor. Those like Sam Altman, celebrities, politicians, CEOs, Wall Street folks, etc. will continue getting richer." Another wrote that the simple solution to overcoming the Worldcoin invasion is to "just say no" to it. "It seems to be the exact same thing as the digital ruble," wrote another about how similar programs in other countries are also being unleashed at the very same time as Worldcoin. Are you ready for a new cashless one-world order? Learn more at Sources for this article include: