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Woke NatWest CEO resigns amid allegations of steering Coutts' diversity drive and scandalously debanking Nigel Farage
By bellecarter // 2023-07-30
Britain's Economic Secretary to the Treasury Andrew Griffith recently denounced bank services that are being denied to anyone exercising their right to lawful free speech, pointing out that businesses have the right to protect against reputational risks – e.g. criminal activity – but the privilege of a banking license in a democracy should imply a duty not to 'de-bank' because you disagree with someone's views. Banks should not be closing down or refusing to open new accounts on the basis that a person or an establishment owner's stand on issues does not align with the financial institutions' values – such as what happened with Brexit Party leader and former leader of the U.K. Independence Party Nigel Farage. He revealed that he has seen a 40-page Stasi-style surveillance dossier justifying Coutts’s decision to "debank" him once his mortgage expired and it was not due to reasons relating to his financial status. The scandalous closing of Farage's account, not to mention how he was not allowed by 10 other banks to open a new account and accounts of his family members were also shut down, is now being traced back to the influence of the first female affirmative action banker who was allegedly responsible for censoring Farage. Dame Alison Marie Rose-Slade is a British banker and chief executive (CEO) of NatWest Group, the high-street bank that owns Coutts, since November 2019. However, rather than focusing solely on the financials of the lender, still a third owned by the taxpayer, she decided that the bank must involve itself in debates over climate change and LGBT rights, influencing banks' decisions about loans for oil and gas extraction and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in their wealthy customers' businesses. According to the Telegraph, the ensuing scandal preceded her eventual downfall in the early hours of Wednesday morning as she resigned after Downing Street expressed "significant concerns" about plans for her to remain in her post. A day prior to her stepping down, Rose admitted to leaking private banking information about Farage to BBC's business editor Simon Jack, yet she retained the confidence of NatWest board members. In a statement confirming her departure, Howard Davies, chairman of the NatWest Group Board said she had dedicated her "working life so far" to NatWest and leaves with the respect and admiration of her colleagues. Meanwhile, award-winning journalist and Telegraph's chief interviewer Allison Pearson wrote: "A friend who used to be extremely senior at Coutts, and still keeps in touch with former colleagues, says that the scandal over the private bank terminating Nigel Farage's account was 'depressingly inevitable. The forces of woke have wrought havoc there,' he says, 'The trouble is members of staff are bullied into compliance with these progressive edicts.'" She added the friend is appalled at the naivety and delusions of the present executives. "These people think they are invulnerable and have little awareness of the outside world. They talk to themselves and listen only to sycophants who will never gainsay them. If what they are said to have done to Farage is accurate it's disgustingly disgraceful. I'm ashamed of what the bank has become."

WOKE FEMALE CEOs' 5-steps to "conquering the world and failing"

When Rose assumed her position at NatWest, she began revamping policies, pushing a far-left radical political agenda instead of tending to the needs of the bank and its customers. As she was relinquished of her title, critics think that this is in direct relation to the sad and destructive pattern of "unprofessional women who don't understand their job duties and think they were hired as political activists rather than as executives and marketing managers," Revolver News wrote. Meanwhile on Twitter, now rebranded as "X" by tech mogul Elon Musk, an account named Holsten Wolstencroft presented five practices of female CEOs. Coutts is at stage 2 of Female CEO Syndrome: According to Wolstencroft, Rose went as far as the second item before her practices were busted. A follower replied to the thread in agreement: "Certainly with you regarding this type of woke woman. The best women leaders seem to be the more conservative no-nonsense types." has stories on the shift to cashless transactions by debanking personalities with views "not aligned with banks' values."

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