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Top performing US students to be subjected to radical indoctrination, College Board documents show
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-10-20
The top performing students in the United States – who usually go on to be the future leaders in government and business sectors – are going to be subjected to radical indoctrination in favor of socialism and communism, according to College Board documents. The private organization, which is responsible for Advanced Placement (AP) courses and the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) college entrance exams, has enormous influence over the United States' education system and brings in about $1 billion each year. A draft of the new AP African American Studies (APAAS) obtained by researcher Stanley Kurtz, showed that the curriculum "clearly proselytizes for a socialist transformation of the United States." It also encourages political violence and hatred for America's constitutional republican form of government. This means that the course is a subversive program in the truest sense of the word, and is designed to subvert the American system by weaponizing young people for revolution under the guise of race-mongering and racial justice. "The topic descriptions sound neutral, but the readings almost uniformly consist of neo-Marxist agitation – pleas for a socialist transformation of America," Kurtz said. Moreover, at least one of the writers of the new program is known to be a Marxist radical who clamors for the "destruction" of capitalism. Kurtz, who also serves as a senior fellow at the conservative learning Ethics and Public Policy Center said one of the topics in the AP course even makes the case that treating individuals equally without regard to race, is actually racist. This new "post-racial racism" portrays western civilization as a racist evil to be destroyed. "The course's political bias is so egregious that the presence or absence of CRT [Critical Race Theory] laws is almost beside the point," Kurtz said, adding that authorities nationwide must reject extreme indoctrination and that APAAS is wrong for American schools. (Related: Leaked video shows LGBT indoctrination is occurring at America's private schools, too.) The College Board used to be ostensibly political, but the hate propaganda and indoctrination of students have grown more extreme in recent decades to the point that the SAT lost a major share of the college admissions testing market.

Stakes over APAAS higher than they first appear

The stakes in the battle over APAAS are also higher than they first appear. The College Board said APAAS faithfully represents the content of African American Studies Courses at the college level – which is a problem in itself. University "studies" programs, such as African American studies, Latino studies, Asian American studies, Native American Studies, women's studies, gender studies and environmental studies, tend to function as ideological training camps instead of academic programs. Kurtz noted that once AP African American Studies moves into use, the full array of AP "studies" courses will soon follow and will take students off American history and more conventional subject areas to politicize the K-12 curriculum. Moreover, the College Board's monopoly over AP testing gives it the ability to act as an unelected national school board, which effectively nullifies the state and local control over course content, but imposes what amounts to a national curriculum. Creating a series of AP ethnic- and gender-studies courses would be a way to introduce leftist identity politics to the states resisting such curricula. Visit for more stories like this. Watch the video below to hear one student expose critical race theory and liberal indoctrination in schools. This video is from the Self-Government channel on

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