“It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin.”They hate children because they hate humanity. And most of all they hate the Creator of humanity. Historically, these elites always hated humanity, but they had to put up with us because they needed us to operate their factories, fight their wars, clean their mansions, harvest their food, make sure the trains run on time. With the advances in gene editing, artificial intelligence and computer algorithms, they now have robots who can do all of the above tasks, often better and more reliably than we human beings. The crops that used to be picked in the fields can now be grown in a laboratory through CRISPR gene editing. Watch the video below to get an idea how far the advancements in robotics have come in just the last 10 years. Also keep in mind this video is from one company, Boston Dynamics. There are hundreds of companies working on robotics and while Boston Dynamics claims it will not partner with anyone wishing to use its robots for military purposes, many other companies are focused on exactly that application. Now watch this terrifying robot from Sword Defense Systems which is capable of firing off ballistic rounds in rapid succession with pinpoint accuracy out to 2,100 meters. As the narrator says, this is considered “the future of unmanned weapon systems, and that future is now.” Here’s another video on robotic ghost dogs used by the U.S. Air Force. I viewed half a dozen or so of these videos on YouTube and found it interesting how many of them are narrated in an almost comical tone. This is no laughing matter, folks. But I guess this is Big Tech’s way of lulling us into a complacent acceptance of the fact that they are making machines not only to replace us but to kill us. On top of the technological advances that allow them to replace us and kill us with machines, the mass culling of humanity is also needed, in their eyes, because they believe the rapid advances in technology will allow them to live much longer. They’re transitioning, they tell us, from one species to another, from human, to transhuman. If they think they can live to 125 or even 150, that means they will need to get rid of those of us they consider to be “useless eaters,” in order to preserve the valuable resources for themselves. This Great Reset really is all about resources. As Yuval Noah Harari has openly stated on more than one occasion, the problem is not that there are too many people, but that we have too many “useless” and “unproductive” people who have no value in the new digital economy. The need for a mass culling of the population fits perfectly with the Malthusian ideas held by so many of the globalist power elites who control our institutions and think they’re going to live forever, or at least to an age twice that of the rest of us. These ideas are based on the teachings of the 19th century English philosopher-cleric Thomas Malthus, who believed the earth’s population must be brought into balance with the supply of food and other natural resources. There’s plenty of evidence that “fossil fuels” like oil and natural gas actually replenish themselves under the earth’s surface. The Rockefeller clan was the first to refer to oil, gas and coal as “fossil fuels,” likely because they were followers of Malthus and wanted to give the impression that these resources were finite and scarce. The truth is that oil and gas are plentiful and should therefore be cheap. But if they were cheap folks like the Rockefellers and Bushes wouldn’t have become billionaires. So the lies continue. Killing off a few billion humans has always been part of the plan. The Kissinger Report, published in 1974, was one of the first official documents advocating a depopulation scheme, and there have been a never-ending avalanche of such reports, books and speeches by the globalists since that time calling for a vastly smaller global population. The Georgia Guidestones, which recently made the news when they mysteriously got blown to bits and then leveled, called for a world population “continuously in balance with nature” and limited to no more than 500 million people, down from the current 7.5 billion. Depopulation also fits the strategy for one-world control over all resources — living and non-living — embodied in the United Nations Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. So why wouldn’t the globalist power elites, the richest and most powerful people in the world, engage in eugenics and genocide? The problem with waging biological warfare has always been, how do you deliver the weapon in an efficient manner? We’ve seen anthrax letters and other small attacks, but what if you wanted to use the bioweapon to kill off a third or more of the world’s population? How would you do that in a way that kept the elites insulated from the death and destruction? In steps the corrupt global media, now controlled by about six or seven major corporations with interlapping owners, and the problem is solved. You simply instruct your media lapdogs to unleash the biggest propaganda campaign the world has ever seen, and pay them handsomely to do it with money from government ads and from foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and presto, you convince the ignorant masses to have the bioweapon injected directly into their bodies. Anyone who doubts this and puts their trust in the governments of the world, or their corporate partners in the media, all of whom have proven themselves to be mere pawns of the Davos elites personified by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari and the World Economic Forum, surely has their heads buried in the sand. Harari spelled it out very clearly when he said, “The chief value of science is power. They use truth to some extent but that is not their highest value. Science as an institution is mainly interested in gaining control over the world.” (see video below) Harari says his favorite book is Brave New World. How telling. Aldus Huxley wrote Brave New World to show us how an elite class of technocrats would one day rise up and run a centrally planned authoritarian system that manages all human activity. And when the people in this future dystopian society reached an age when they were no longer productive or useful to the system, they were given a drug that put them to sleep, forever. No one, other than the elites, was allowed to live past the age of 60 in Harari’s favorite book, the Brave New World. These people are ruthless. But what I love about Harari is, unlike most of the globalist elites, he doesn’t try to deceive us into thinking the outcome of their agenda will be in any way benevolent or that these monsters have any sort of altruistic motives. He comes right out and tells us what motivates their actions; they want to dominate and enslave us. It’s about power and control. We must know our enemy and the depths of depravity of the individuals we are dealing with. If we are going to break them it will take steadfast resistance and courage to stand up, speak out, and learn to live with the consequences. We must learn to live outside of their systems. That will require us working together, not against each other. The more people we can convince to join us the better off we will be. But even if it turns out that we cannot defeat them, they will be stopped by the hand of God. He will not stand back for long and let the world be taken over by Luciferian killers and deceivers. God forbid that we should act like the parents of that 9-year-old girl, who unknowingly offered their child up to these demons. As God almighty said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Read more at: LeoHohmann.com
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