Major red flags go up after Biden's Census Bureau asks gun holster companies for detailed sales records
The Biden regime's full-court press against guns and the firearms industry is continuing unabated, apparently, according to a report this week from a noted, trustworthy gun industry news site.
reports that manufacturers of handgun holsters are receiving letters from Joe Biden's Census Bureau seeking sales records, though the letters requesting the information do not specify why.
The outlet reports:
Several major holster manufacturers/providers received notices from the Department of Commerce Census Bureau requesting order numbers, product descriptions, and where the items were being shipped. A few holster companies have refused to turn over the requested information to the federal government.
"We will never turn over any information on our customers to the government no matter the cost us,” Chad Myers, the president of JM4 Tactical, noted. “To do so would violate our core beliefs. We need to stand up to an overbearing government. Our customers can rest assured that their information is safe with us!”
According to the news site, every year the Census Bureau sends out a Commodity Flow Survey to random companies in order to help the federal government track the flow of commerce so as to inform policymakers when it comes to shipping and transportation. However, this year -- for some reason -- an unusually high number of holster companies have gotten a notice, leading some of them to speculate that Biden's regime is targeting them specifically.
Ammoland reported that a number of companies have contacted Arbiter Weston Martinez in Texas for assistance. He is a former Texas Real Estate commissioner under then-GOP Gov. Rick Perry. Martinez has a lot of connections within political circles and has opined that holster companies are being targeted in order to gather more intelligence on the firearms industry in general. He has also agreed to help block the government's efforts against what he and many others see as blatant federal overreach.
"Clearly, the Biden administration is saber rattling for the left in the wake of all the recent losses they have incurred by Supreme Court rulings,” Martinez said. “My clients and I will never back down from anyone that is trying to impugn our
Constitutional and God-give rights like the Second Amendment."
Still, the Census Bureau is claiming that companies are bound by federal law to hand over information the agency requests.
The bureau claims that any company refusing to cooperate faces fines up to $5,000, but according to Ammoland, the appropriate statute only calls for levying a $500 dollar fine, leading skeptics to wonder if the bureau's website contains an intentional typo in order to compel compliance under Title 13, United States Code, Section 224, and the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (Title 18, Sections 3551, 3559, and 3571).
"After looking into the law, the statutory limit on fines is $500. It is unclear if the web designer made a typo on the site or if it was a scare tactic to compel companies to turn over information," Ammoland reported, adding: "Only one company was ever criminally charged with not filling out the survey, and that was in 1994. That doesn’t mean these companies are not in danger. The Biden administration has been hostile to the firearms industry, and these companies that make it easier to carry a concealed gun might be the next group to be targeted."
The site said that its staff reached out to the Census Bureau for comments, but those requests were ignored -- of course.
It's still not clear why the agency is asking for this particular information, but it is true that the Biden regime has become increasingly hostile to firearms rights, especially after recent high-profile mass shooting incidents.
In any event, with more than two-and-a-half years to go on his term, our dementia president has a lot more time to enact
Barack Obama's gun grab.
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