Caraballo shared a tweet from the Libs of TikTok account that specified that yes, a discount in the merch shop could be had with promo code "GROOMER," and then Shopify's terms of service restricting users from promoting "hate or violence against people based on... gender, sexual orientation... or other forms of discriminatory intolerance." While One Fresh Pillow reached out to Eskamani to state that they, too were concerned and "horrified," others pointed out that Libs of TikTok literally reposts content shared by teachers, and others, proclaiming their intentions to bring children into the gender identity cult. At this point, Eskamani doubled down, insisting that Shopify respond to the concern.@Shopify do you have a response?
— Rep. Anna V. Eskamani ? (@AnnaForFlorida) July 22, 2022
Those "horrified" by Libs of TikTok, which has also exposed drag queens who expose themselves to children at drag queen story hours at public libraries, are not horrified by the people doing the grooming, but by the account pointing it out. The Babylon Bee's Seth Dillon made this point on Twitter, saying that the only thing that's truly horrific here is the "sexualization of children," which "Libs of TikTok exposes every day."Good — we need a response!
— Rep. Anna V. Eskamani ? (@AnnaForFlorida) July 22, 2022
Last week, author and mathematician James Lindsay was locked out of Twitter for responding to an article about the term groomer being affiliated by LGBTQ activists with LGBTQ activism with the words "ok, groomer." Other gay activists groups have sought to distance themselves from current LGBTQ activist groups, declaring that under no circumstances is lesbian, gay or bisexual advocacy interested in indoctrinating children. Florida has been adamantly opposed to allowing children to be sexualized in classrooms or indoctrinated into gender identity, and to that end passed the Parental Rights in Education bill. The bill prevents students from being taught sex ed that is not age appropriate, and gives parents the right to not be kept in the dark by teachers and administrators in the event that their children socially gender transition at school but try to keep it secret from parents. As pushback against the bill came from across the country, Pushaw termed it the "anti-grooming" bill, and the internet lost its collective mind. Read more at: ThePostMillenial.comI’m horrified that a government official, Anna Eskamani, is using her position to push a company to deplatform a private citizen due to a political disagreement.
— Christina Pushaw ? ?? (@ChristinaPushaw) July 24, 2022
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