The nation of Sri Lanka has an almost perfect ESG rating of 98.1 on a scale of 100, according to But the government which had forced the nation to achieve that virtue-signaling target in recent years collapsed over the weekend because it led the country into self-declared bankruptcy, leaving it unable to purchase adequate supplies of fuel and feed its population. Thousands of angry Sri Lankans stormed the presidential residence on Saturday, forcing President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to step down and reportedly flee the country.Next I point readers to the portions put in bold and underlined above. Collapsed over the weekend. That ladies and gentlemen is how fast a nation, even one with such a high sustainability rating, can fall. When the food is gone, the rioting begins. Many Americans still believe that "it can't happen to or in America," and that is arrogance, hubris, and a massive failure on the part of the MSM to "inform" the public of how fast it can happen and to give them adequate warnings to prepare for the possibility, which is looking more likely with each new report of events that affect the food supply in America Gas prices, a lack of fertilizer, food prices, and increasingly empty shelves, are the result of many factors, including trucker shortages, war, mysterious fires and explosions of food plants across America, and as Stefan Stanford recently pointed out, an upcoming strike by those that run our trains, but when a family is hungry, they truly aren't thinking of "why, just "how" are they going to feed themselves and their families. Another strange set of events was reported by Steve Quayle as this SQ alert tells us: We recommend reading the entire alert, but the gist of it is that multiple stores in Montana had suspicious "freezer failures," causing tens of thousands of tons of foods to be brought to landfills and disposed of. Readers have been letting us know about shortages in their local stores, and some recent news articles, which seem hard to find on the search engines because those that are actually reporting on the shortages, downplay it, or bury their stories under their activism very quickly, all show the food supply issues steadily getting worse, while the prices get higher, even as "shrinkflation" (same price, less product in packaging), hits more products. Deplorable Susie:
Busy day in NE Ohio - observations: Gas=$4.40. Diesel=$5.85. Silver rounds=$25. One store did not have my smokes :-(...yes, I know. WM: NO ... Tylenol, wall paint, creme cheese, Am. Cheese slices. Some baby formula is back. Low stock/reduced shelf space ... Campbell soups, pork-n-beans (other canned beans as well ... holiday??), pasta, eggs. Just for fun ... Nice looking, medium thick, Rib Eye Steak = $16/lb. ... T-bone steak = $12/lb......Betty:
I just had a bad trip to the grocery store. Eight items I couldn’t get. The vegetables and fruits are extremely low, no blueberries, strawberries, nor melons. Red Meat is disappearing but we did have more expensive chicken. Dairy is low, no peanut butter, low on bottled water......Others have been sharing when they can find good deals, along with some sharing links to help others find more resources, and we thank everyone that is keeping us updating as to how things are looking in their part of the country. Read more at:
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