It was in the down-ballot races where Trump’s endorsement made the most difference. State Sen. Burt Jones, R-Jackson, who is running for lieutenant governor with Trump’s endorsement against Senate President Pro Tempore Butch Miller, R-Gainesville, saw his support in the poll soar from 29.7% to 58.9% among voters told Trump was backing his candidacy. Miller’s support dropped slightly from 10.6% to 8.2% when voters were told he was not Trump’s pick. The large contingent of undecided voters in the lieutenant governor’s race — 54.2% — fell significantly to 29.8% among voters who were told Trump was backing Jones. Incumbent Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, who refused to go along with Trump’s attempts to overturn the presidential election results in Georgia in 2020, decided not to seek re-election. U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, R-Greensboro, who Trump is backing for secretary of state against incumbent Brad Raffensperger, doubled his support in the poll — from 30.3% to 60.3% — when voters were told of the former president’s endorsement. Conversely, support for Raffensperger dropped from 22.7% among voters who weren’t told of the endorsement, to 16.3%. Trump’s endorsement even carried weight in a race that doesn’t directly involve anyone who has riled the former president. Little-known Patrick Witt, who is challenging incumbent Insurance Commissioner John King, saw his support skyrocket from just 8.3% when voters weren’t told Trump had endorsed Witt, to 51.8% among voters who were made aware of the endorsement. King’s support slipped by a much smaller margin, from 10.6% to 7.2%. A third candidate in the race, Ben Cowart, also dropped from 9.6% to 4.5% when voters were told Trump had endorsed Witt.So, to summarize, Trump’s endorsement is so powerful that Patrick Witt gets 52% of the vote, Jody Hice gets 60% of the vote, and Burt Jones gets 59% in a poll one month before the races. On Primary Day in Georgia, none of this happened. In fact, the candidates that were not endorsed by Trump went from single digits in the poll to commanding wins rarely seen in American politics. John King (who won with 70% remember!) was getting only 7% of the poll vote. Brad Raffensperger (who won!) got only 16% of the poll vote. Butch Miller (who might still win in a recount!) got only 8% of the poll vote. Ask yourself: is that possible? No, it’s not. Meanwhile, the election integrity organization VOTER GA held a press conference on Monday to announce that 102 Georgia counties could not produce their drop box surveillance videos for the stolen 2020 election. Let me repeat that number: 102 Georgia counties. Apparently, 72 counties were forced to admit that all those videos had been destroyed. Read the full press release for yourself.
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