In response to Trump's tweet, the notes indicate clearly that ranking DOJ and FBI officials immediately went into 'cover your backside' mode. By March 2017, less than two months after Trump took office, Comey, McCabe and Strzok were almost certain that the 'Trump-Russia collusion' narrative was a complete hoax dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's campaign to vilify Trump and portray him as a stooge of Vladimir Putin in order to tank his presidential bid and then undermine his presidency after the fact. In addition, senior FBI leaders know that nothing in the so-called "Steele Dossier" -- the principal source of the Trump-Russia allegations -- was valid. Indeed, by then, the bureau had already spent three days talking to the primary source for Steele's fake data, Igor Danchenko, who essentially disavowed nearly every claim that was made in the dossier. In addition, the bureau knew that claims of Trump having established a 'secret back channel' with the Kremlin-aligned Alfa Bank -- in formation that Sussmann told agents -- was also false. So essentially, very early into Trump's term, FBI leaders were acutely aware every allegation made against him regarding Russia was phony. The entire narrative was fabricated, and it was Hillary Clinton's doing. But once Trump claimed publicly that he had been spied upon -- March 4, 2017, to be exact -- that set off alarm bells among senior DOJ and FBI leaders. A few days later, that was the subject of a meeting between McCabe and then-acting U.S. attorney general, Dana Boente. "The problem for the FBI was this: They didn’t know how much Trump actually knew about their actions. Just a day earlier, on March 3, 2017, radio host Mark Levin had reported that the Obama administration had obtained Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants that involved Trump and several of his campaign advisers," The Epoch Times reported. "Levin also reported that Trump’s off-the-cuff joke in July 2016—'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing'—had become the basis for the Russia collusion accusations," the report added. But we also now know that there was a lot more happening than just spying on Trump. The FBI also illegally obtained several FISA court warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, in part by filing false information with the court and not admitting that there was nothing to the 'collusion' story. Also, the bureau was spying on the communications of incoming Trump transition officials, including Michael Flynn, who was falsely accused of improperly contacting a Russian ambassador. The fact is, our system of government is the best in the world but it has been weaponized against the very people it is supposed to serve. It's not the system of government that needs to go, it's the deep state tyrants running it. Sources include: NaturalNews.comTLDR: On Mar 4, 2017, Trump sent out his infamous "wires tapped" tweet. That tweet sent FBI/DOJ panicking over how much Trump knew about their treachery. Everything that happened at the Mar 6 FBI/DOJ meeting has to be seen in that light, ie covering up/legitimizing FBI/DOJ fraud.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) May 9, 2022
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