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Excess deaths soaring in every country where covid "vaccine" uptake is high: data
By ethanh // 2022-02-02
Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon is once again speaking out about the spike in excess deaths he is seeing in nearly every country where Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" uptake is high. During a recent interview, Yeadon addressed Scotland, which is one of the countries where deaths are soaring amid heavy vaccine compliance. He also talked about Germany, Israel, Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and of course the United States, which are seeing similar trends. "They've all seen a significant uptick in all-cause mortality," Yeadon told the interviewer. "Why is that? What did they do differently in 2021 than they did in the years before?" Not only is all-cause mortality up in 2021 compared to 2020, Yeadon further pointed out, but it smashed the five-year average. What changed? Hundreds of millions of people rolled up their sleeves for spike protein injections – that is what happened. Public Health Scotland's (PHS) October 14 Covid-19 Daily Dashboard shows that despite 87 percent of the adult population now considered to be "vaccinated," weekly deaths are a shocking 30 percent above normal. "This marks the 20th consecutive week with excess deaths above the five-year average and the highest since the week ending January 10, 2021," the report explains.

The plandemic of the fully vaccinated rages on

In Germany, Europe's most populous nation, nearly 78,000 deaths were reported during the month of September 2021, which is more than 10 percent higher than the expected figure, according to government demographers. Denmark, Finland and Norway have all seen similar excess death spikes that are much higher, in fact, than at any other time during the plandemic. "Five months in a row, 2021 has broken the 10-year record of people dying from all causes," explains one report out of Denmark. "Covid-19 deaths close to zero during the same period." Then we have England, which saw a massive spike in deaths particularly among the younger vaccinated population. Older jabbed people have been faring better while younger jabbed people have been "bearing the brunt of vaccine injury," reported revealed. "According to VigiAccess, the adverse event database for the World Health Organization, 41% of the more than 2.4 million vaccine injuries reported so far are among those under age 44, and just six percent are among people over age 75." Here in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that despite more than 80 percent of the country supposedly being "fully vaccinated," deaths in the 65-and-over demographic in Florida are 14 percent higher than during the same time period the previous year. "'Despite' at least 50% full vaccination in the under 65s, deaths are up 46% and will rise as reporting catches up," tweeted Joel Smalley. It is important to emphasize, here, that these are not "covid" deaths. They are primarily heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, circulatory diseases and neurological issues – all vaccine-induced diseases that physicians and scientists have been warning about ever since the jabs were introduced. "Simply put, the vaccines are increasing fatalities, not reducing them," reported the Daily Exposé. "They are making matters worse, not better. They are perpetuating the crisis, not ending it." The data charts all show that excess deaths really ramped up after the injections went public. Prior to that, death rates were about average or even lower than average, in some cases. "Since the beginning of July, there have been thousands of excess deaths that were not caused by coronavirus," admitted The Telegraph about the situation in the U.K., where excess deaths spiked at a time when it was warmer and sunnier, which is highly anomalous. "According to health experts, this is highly unusual for the summer." The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" injuries and deaths can be found at Sources for this article include: